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0 Subject: "Compassion" Fascists

Posted by: Baldwin
- [4261155] Wed, Aug 01, 10:29

full story here

The department came knocking at the door to their home in the form of a "home visitor" sent by the hospital when the Howards' first baby girl was born with terminal health problems.

According to the Massachusetts News, the "home visitor" was a social worker who found the home in disorder. The kitchen was in the process of being remodeled. Over Heidi's objections and without identifying the true purpose of the call, the "home visitor" opened closets and quizzed her about her marriage. Then, she filed a report about the messy home and "stress" in the family – stress undoubtedly caused by having a dying child.

Their situation was complicated by a restraining order that Heidi says she was blackmailed into filing: the DSS allegedly threatened to remove their two boys, 10-year-old Christopher and five-year-old Ethan, if Heidi did not register a complaint against her husband even though she insisted no abuse had occurred. With a restraining order on file, the DSS seized the boys in November 1999.

In February 2001, another daughter, Jessica, was seized from her nursing mother on the grounds that the other children were already in DSS custody. No court hearing has been held on the two boys. Chester Darling, an attorney for the Howards, has called the DSS "an agency ... that can kidnap children almost with impunity."

The Howards' case is not unique. Cases like theirs are occurring more frequently because state agencies now have a financial incentive to separate children from their parents and put them up for adoption.

The Adoption and Safe Families Act of 1997 is explicit about the rewards. Under a section called "Adoption Incentive Payment," the act says a state can receive as much as $4,000 for adopting-out a child.

Planning any remodeling? Would you sign absolutely anything if the state told you they would take your kids otherwise? Would you be upset if your child was diagnosed with a terminal illness? Do you have kids? Well at least temporarily you do.
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      ID: 443322717
      Mon, Apr 28, 2008, 20:43
Make sure you watch the videos in #499. You won't mind the time spent after you do.
      ID: 443322717
      Mon, Apr 28, 2008, 20:51
Maybe I abuse Dave Hall's site turning a couple threads into my own blog. No apologies for the quality of the posting whatsover. In a decade or two on the outside you are gonna wish you could reread these same threads cause what I warned you about came true. I don't think the uncensored internet survives that long however.
      ID: 16312818
      Mon, Apr 28, 2008, 21:14
You have committment issues? Obviously society would rather those girls were non-religious inner city girls having sex as flippantly and frequently as cussing. They'd hand em condoms and pat them on the head to build their self-esteem in that case.

again - polygamy is illegal. polyamory isn't. what's your point?

again - this isn't about teen sex, but rather, adults having sex with teens. what's your point?

I wouldn't have minded if they proscuted that and set monitoring in place to prevent it in the future. In fact that is my recommendation.

praise allah, we agree on something.

Of those girls, 31 either have children or are pregnant - Azar, official CPS apologist

The truth of that remains to be seen.

and what you're saying is the absolute truth? they're actually on site, and you, i don't believe, are.

Presently their ages are complete guesswork since the judge and the CPS thru out birth certificate evidence without even looking at it

link please.

bili You know you make some great points, but you gotta realize you have a bit of a tendency to go all Terry Schiavo on us, inundating us with over-the-top name calling and links with little beyond propaganda value.

the crazy thing is that earlier today i was thinking how much this reminded me of the TS thread with Baldwin's style of posting.
      ID: 323592819
      Mon, Apr 28, 2008, 21:59
The truth is that all I care about is figuring out the essential truths. I find it. I archive it here. I don't need allies, readers, praise, your help getting there. I know that sounds cold but if I waited for you guys to get me there I'd never make it out of the garage.
      ID: 16312818
      Mon, Apr 28, 2008, 22:24
The truth is that all I care about is figuring out the essential truths. I find it. I archive it here.

no offense, but this is a discussion board. there are plenty of other places you could use as an archive, but that's not the purpose of this place.

we're here because we do enjoy talking about current events, politics, and the like. it's not much fun when one person takes over a thread for his own (self-admitted) personal and selfish reasons that ultimately have nothing to do with the entire point of this place.
      ID: 323592819
      Mon, Apr 28, 2008, 23:41
Who knows, Tree? Maybe the lightbulb will go on for some readers here eventually. Even you. It took me over a decade to wrap my mind around a lot of the stuff I am saying. The zeigeist/matrix is a prison for your mind and a sticky web not easy to free yourself from.
      ID: 323592819
      Tue, Apr 29, 2008, 02:40
And how can it be said I took over a thread I started? I am not forcing you to visit this thread, Tree.
      ID: 0342294
      Tue, Apr 29, 2008, 06:50
just because you start something doesn't make it "yours". oy.
      ID: 323592819
      Tue, Apr 29, 2008, 12:16
Here is a pretty good rundown on the CPS's playing with the media and numbers.
Attorneys on the scene are warning that the numbers are extremely unreliable and that those interested in the case should remain cautious about believing these media reports. The tally of women and children has changed almost daily over the past three weeks. Amanda Chisholm, who works for TRLA, said she would be surprised if the actual number of teenage girls who are pregnant or mothers is "anywhere near that high."

Child Protective Services spokesman Darrell Azar admitted that the age of the girls was determined by their attorneys or by looking at the women. "I have seen them myself," he said, "and I don't see any that look like an adult to me."

"My clients told us they were put in a line and looked at," said attorney Julie Balovich. "So I know that is how some of the numbers happened."

Azar also did not know how many girls were pregnant, but acknowledged that it is a small number. In earlier reports, CPS said that three teenagers are pregnant. Salt Lake attorney Rod Parker, a spokesman for the FLDS, said that of the three, one teenager refused to take a pregnancy test, one is 18 and the other is 17.

One problem in determining the ages of the girls is that some women may be claiming to be minors in order to stay with their children. TRLA attorney Julie Balovich said one woman now deemed to be a teenager is a 24-year-old woman who is pregnant. FLDS member Willie Jessop contends the state's tally also includes a 28-year-old whom the state has listed as being 17.

Another problem in these tallies is that the state is using a list which has been compiled of 20 minors and young women who conceived their first child between the ages of 13 and 16. The list includes women who had children ten or more years ago. For example, one woman was 13 when she conceived a child who was born in 1997! Another woman was 14 when she conceived a child born in 2000--eight years ago. Some of the women conceived children in other states, or before the change in Texas law regarding the age of consent. An interesting point to me would be how the age of pregnancy of the FLDS has changed over time, or since the arrest of Warren Jeffs. Is the sect attempting to comply with the laws of the state?

A final consideration for many is the number that was released regarding the teenaged boys in custody. The media is reporting that while there are 53 girls between those ages there are only 17 boys. I am wondering why they are not including the mentioning the 25 adolescent boys who were taken away from the main group very early in this raid and placed on a boys' ranch. Perhaps there are other boys who are away working and are not "lost." This is another example of half-truths intended to mislead the public.

I am really getting so annoyed with this media hype, playing on the concern of Americans for abused children. I prefer to look at this in the light of a wider world view. Throughout the world and over time and cultures, girls who begin menarche are considered women. They begin to marry and bear children. It has been in the past 100 years only that we have decided that young girls should have more choice and should put off childbearing until later. As a feminist, I believe this is a good thing. But who is to say that it is the only true and proper choice? Some studies have shown that childbearing at younger ages is healthier and more optimal for infant and mother. I believe in the right of this group to choose their family patterns and customs. Teaching their children to submit is not abuse, it is a different lifestyle choice. There are many tenets of this faith which are clearly healthier and more moral than mainstream teachings.

Ever since this case began, I have felt that persecution has been rampant. This is not the way to solve problems or difficulties within the religion. True believers will only cling to their faith more adamantly, seek to withdraw and hide from society and bear wounds from this forced separation for generations.This just adds weight to plenty of similar accounts I have read [and linked to here somtimes] showing the 'carnival guess' method of the CPS in detirmining ages. Surely this was a PR counteroffensive launched by the CPS and it was blatantly dishonest as almost anyone who has looked into the CPS has come to expect.

CPS: not so good at sweet. Sweet is foreign to them. Come to think of it they are clueless when it comes to looking at innocence as well.
      ID: 323592819
      Tue, Apr 29, 2008, 12:17
Here is a pretty good rundown on the CPS's playing with the media and numbers.
Attorneys on the scene are warning that the numbers are extremely unreliable and that those interested in the case should remain cautious about believing these media reports. The tally of women and children has changed almost daily over the past three weeks. Amanda Chisholm, who works for TRLA, said she would be surprised if the actual number of teenage girls who are pregnant or mothers is "anywhere near that high."

Child Protective Services spokesman Darrell Azar admitted that the age of the girls was determined by their attorneys or by looking at the women. "I have seen them myself," he said, "and I don't see any that look like an adult to me."

"My clients told us they were put in a line and looked at," said attorney Julie Balovich. "So I know that is how some of the numbers happened."

Azar also did not know how many girls were pregnant, but acknowledged that it is a small number. In earlier reports, CPS said that three teenagers are pregnant. Salt Lake attorney Rod Parker, a spokesman for the FLDS, said that of the three, one teenager refused to take a pregnancy test, one is 18 and the other is 17.

One problem in determining the ages of the girls is that some women may be claiming to be minors in order to stay with their children. TRLA attorney Julie Balovich said one woman now deemed to be a teenager is a 24-year-old woman who is pregnant. FLDS member Willie Jessop contends the state's tally also includes a 28-year-old whom the state has listed as being 17.

Another problem in these tallies is that the state is using a list which has been compiled of 20 minors and young women who conceived their first child between the ages of 13 and 16. The list includes women who had children ten or more years ago. For example, one woman was 13 when she conceived a child who was born in 1997! Another woman was 14 when she conceived a child born in 2000--eight years ago. Some of the women conceived children in other states, or before the change in Texas law regarding the age of consent. An interesting point to me would be how the age of pregnancy of the FLDS has changed over time, or since the arrest of Warren Jeffs. Is the sect attempting to comply with the laws of the state?

A final consideration for many is the number that was released regarding the teenaged boys in custody. The media is reporting that while there are 53 girls between those ages there are only 17 boys. I am wondering why they are not including the mentioning the 25 adolescent boys who were taken away from the main group very early in this raid and placed on a boys' ranch. Perhaps there are other boys who are away working and are not "lost." This is another example of half-truths intended to mislead the public.

I am really getting so annoyed with this media hype, playing on the concern of Americans for abused children. I prefer to look at this in the light of a wider world view. Throughout the world and over time and cultures, girls who begin menarche are considered women. They begin to marry and bear children. It has been in the past 100 years only that we have decided that young girls should have more choice and should put off childbearing until later. As a feminist, I believe this is a good thing. But who is to say that it is the only true and proper choice? Some studies have shown that childbearing at younger ages is healthier and more optimal for infant and mother. I believe in the right of this group to choose their family patterns and customs. Teaching their children to submit is not abuse, it is a different lifestyle choice. There are many tenets of this faith which are clearly healthier and more moral than mainstream teachings.

Ever since this case began, I have felt that persecution has been rampant. This is not the way to solve problems or difficulties within the religion. True believers will only cling to their faith more adamantly, seek to withdraw and hide from society and bear wounds from this forced separation for generations.
This just adds weight to plenty of similar accounts I have read [and linked to here somtimes] showing the 'carnival guess' method of the CPS in detirmining ages. Surely this was a PR counteroffensive launched by the CPS and it was blatantly dishonest as almost anyone who has looked into the CPS has come to expect.

CPS: not so good at sweet. Sweet is foreign to them. Come to think of it they are clueless when it comes to looking at innocence as well.
      ID: 323592819
      Tue, Apr 29, 2008, 17:53

The Peruvian family living in Texas who had their kids including a 1 yr old taken away from them for the crime of breastfeeding linked to in post #44, did eventually get their kids back.
      ID: 323592819
      Wed, Apr 30, 2008, 05:44
The media bias in the child seizure case has now been firmly established. Latest headlines to be splashed across the news: "31 of 53 teen girls at FLDS ranch has been pregnant."

This is classic misinformation, misleading with statistics and sensationalism. Consider this classic: "98% of wives have been raped, beaten, annoyed, abused, or murdered by their husbands". Yes, true, hum?

Let us examine the sensationalist claim about the pregnant teens. So 31 of 53 girls aged 14-17 have been pregnant? Proof of rampant child abuse, right? Hardly. What if all 31 of them were aged 17 and married? The article doesn't mention their exact ages, so there is no way to conclude anything at all. We are supposed to be so stupid as to assume they are all knocked up 14 year olds?

Let's consider the worst case scenario: some 14 and 15 year olds have had babies. Here is what the news is not wanting you to know: in Texas, it was legal for 14 year olds to marry up until 2005! So even if some 14 and 15 year olds had kids, it may have been perfectly legal at the time.

You think the government wouldn't be trying to mislead here? Fact: they are including in their statistics a woman who had her child in 1993.

But they figure all they have to do is splash a sensationalist headline every now and then, and the American people will buy into this hook, line, and sinker! Well guess what, the American people aren't that dumb, and we are paying attention.

Releasing such sickening and pathetic propaganda to attempt to cover up their own malfeasance is disgusting and wrong.

Attorney Rod Parker reveals some relevant details, such as the government failing to follow up on their pledge to allow breast-feeding mothers access to their own infants:
"They need to let those people out," Parker said. Parker also refuted CPS' description of an orderly, calm separation of mothers and children at the coliseum. He said it was "complete pandemonium."

As the children, all younger than 5, figured out what was happening, they started screaming and CPS workers had to pry many away from their mothers. "This is inhuman. This is un-American," said Parker, who also said a civil rights lawsuit is possible.
He also said CPS assured nursing mothers they would be able to take breast milk to their infants but, as of early Friday, had been given no information on where the children had been taken. They also were told sibling groups would be kept together. Thirteen children from one family were sent to five locations, he said.

The more I read about this situation, the sicker I get. The freedoms your neighbor loses are your freedoms too, America. Wake up! - Justin Halter
It will also be disgusting to watch the MSM give the CPS a pass for imprisoning adults in foster care on the basis of looks and the government discarding their documents. Logically you would expect a person with my perspective should be able to look forward to them getting a big black eye from this but we both know the media is evil.
      ID: 323592819
      Wed, Apr 30, 2008, 05:52
Ok, I know the 'Polks' of rotoguru will go off on the 'media is evil' line. Let me be more precise. We both know the media will give the CPS a pass when they deserve a whacking and will give anyone in the FLDS a whacking when they deserve understanding [unless they are ingraciating themselves to get a personal interview. "How does it feel to have your children kidnapped and to be told you can never have children?" *feigned compassion*]

On second thot let's just stick with 'the media is evil'.
      ID: 323592819
      Wed, Apr 30, 2008, 06:07
The first day of the 14 day hearing an attorney told the judge she had filed an application for writ of habeas corpus for a bunch of women. I don't recall how many. She said they were over 18 and had been disbelieved by CPS and so they were not able to attend the hearing. Shje had birth certificates, drivers licenses and social security cards to prove their age. The judge refused to take up the writ saying, "in this day of identity theft" do you really expect me to believe those documents? I was appalled. How does she expect them to prove their ages if not by government issued documents? - Comment of a Texan

[I don't offer this as authoritatively the last word on the subject but is the kind of thing I generally have encountered multiple times and just don't post]
      ID: 323592819
      Wed, Apr 30, 2008, 06:14
The preceding and this post appear to be from the personal myspace of a court appointed attorney for the children.
The district clerk told me the other day that I could not get a copy of the orders that had been entered to date until they put up a "for-pay" website. I have never had to pay to get copies of the items that go into files in a court-appointed case. It is bad enough they asked us to take on these cases for free, travel all over the state, pay for hotels, etc, but to expect us to also pay for copies of the files and to file pleadings? It's ridiculous.

They are also talking about the Texas Lawyers for Children establishing a sort of clearinghouse for the children's attorneys to access and share information. They are also collecting donations, along with the State Bar Association and the Austin Bar Associations and others, to pay for our expenses. Still don't know how that will work.
      ID: 323592819
      Wed, Apr 30, 2008, 11:17
The documents that they used to "prove" that there were underage brides was ten years old. The ranch hasn't been there 5 years.
      ID: 323592819
      Wed, Apr 30, 2008, 11:21
The state "proved" there was immediate danger of "serious physical injury" by their psychiatrist testifying that the authoritarian environment caused brain stem damage resulting in the children being emotionally immature.

If that is valid science I'll eat my hat.
      ID: 323592819
      Wed, Apr 30, 2008, 11:21
The state "proved" there was immediate danger of "serious physical injury" by their psychiatrist testifying that the authoritarian environment caused brain stem damage resulting in the children being emotionally immature.

If that is valid science I'll eat my hat.
      ID: 3533298
      Wed, Apr 30, 2008, 11:43
i really do miss having the opportunity to discuss this case, but we've definitely been Schiavoed in this thread...

any chance you could compile your thoughts and condense them into a couple points - as bili said in post 529, you've made it impossible to discuss...

whether i'm right or wrong, or you're right or wrong, we could all probably learn something from this via a discussion, rather than post after post after post of the same person posting what they feel are the facts?

how about it baldy - let's turn this back into a discussion?
      ID: 323592819
      Wed, Apr 30, 2008, 13:35
I am merely posting powerful new points or new angles to this story as I learn them. I will not withhold any.

This case, like the TS case, will forever change the laws and rights and freedoms in this country. It is not an ordinary subject or an ordinary legal case. If a subject as vitally important as this one does not merit your full attention then you can, so long as the free internet has not been lost, go back and catch up after you finally do realize just how severely your own rights have been diminished.
      ID: 3533298
      Wed, Apr 30, 2008, 13:46
i'm not asking you to withhold anything. i was just asking that maybe you could condense your points, or condense your post count in this thread.

this case is obviously an important one, and it does merit one's full attention. sadly, you keep forgetting that this is a discussion board, and not an information dump.

i won't speak for anyone else, but other posts have hinted here that your endless post count in some threads - such as this one - make discussion neither possible, nor enjoyable.

just a bit of consideration for your other posters baldy. i wouldn't dare of asking you to censor anything - just, find a better way.
      ID: 323592819
      Wed, Apr 30, 2008, 14:19
The spaces between each of my posts is already filled...filled with eloi apathy in the face of the Moorlock's gaping and feeding maw and Tree's disinformation efforts and not much else sadly.
552Perm Dude
      ID: 5510572522
      Tue, Aug 09, 2011, 15:39
Warren Jeffs gets life in prison. A real slimeball. Good work taking him down.
      ID: 1964421
      Wed, Aug 10, 2011, 00:55
The State B, proved their case. There can be no claiming otherwise. This was not a case of over zealous CPS. Not even close, despite your best efforts to paint it as such. Like your position re TS, you and yours have been shown to be dead wrong...again.

When are you going to admit, perhaps your biased view of the world, is more than a little out of focus?
      ID: 48627713
      Wed, Aug 17, 2011, 09:58
Child killed by fundamentalists
Baldwin, what should happen to the surviving eight children? Should they be placed in the hands of "compassion fascists" or not?
      ID: 373143013
      Wed, Aug 17, 2011, 10:27
Those 'parents' deserve more than 14 and 22 years in prison. They committed murder. However, why are the kids in a foster home? Are there family members that can take them?

Are they in different foster homes, separated from each other? There's a number of pretty important questions not answered by this article.
      ID: 48627713
      Wed, Aug 17, 2011, 14:32
Well I for one believe that the "compassion fascists" will do everything within their power to do what is best for the kids. I am not cynical enough to believe that they are out to enslave the kids, separate them, or politically indoctrinate them in any way. That may or may not mean adequate family members can be located, or that they would still be among the best options.
      ID: 373143013
      Wed, Aug 17, 2011, 14:51
"to do what they think is best for the kids."

Fixed that for you. Unfortunately, what they think is not necessarily truly best for the kids. In this particular case they probably have a good handle on it and will provide a better place than the murde..err parents.

However, this leads to the heart of the problem. At what point is 'best for the kids' a matter of opinion or simply a difference in philosophy compared to actually needing help?

This is what worries me. There are numerous articles, many posted in this thread, about kids being taken from parents under the thinnest of pretenses.

This guy beat his kids with a pipe for hours upon hours. If the child had not died, would that give the state (morally, not legally) the right to walk in and take the kids? If so that means there is a line somewhere. But to me, that line had better be very clearly and definitively drawn. Its not.

If it doesn't give the state the right to step in and protect the kids, then what does?

558Perm Dude
      ID: 5510572522
      Wed, Aug 17, 2011, 15:10
What you aren't seeing in this thread are the thousands and thousands of good placements. Where kids were removed from dangerous homes and placed in foster and temporary care where people who genuinely care for their welfare take them in.

Unfortunately when you have a guy like Baldwin setting the discussion table for family services, one tends to have the impression that the best placements are accidents.
      ID: 53326279
      Wed, Aug 17, 2011, 15:27
"But to me, that line had better be very clearly and definitively drawn. Its not."

Because, pretty clearly, you can't.

Well, I suppose you COULD -- in which case either

1. The line will be drawn at a place that is completely unhelpful to the kids (e.g. we'll only take them away if their skull is fractured in three or more places).

2. The line will be drawn at a place that is completely unfair to the parents (e.g. that milk was a day past its expiration date).

3. The line will be drawn at a place that is ridiculously open to human abuse from both directions.

Until we go to an infallible omnipotent robotic DCFS, humans are going to be involved, and they're probably going to screw some things up both in terms of overprotecting some kids and underprotecting others -- generally, because they're humans, not because they're evil anti-Christian communomarxist fascists out to take kids away from wonderful loving parents. (There may even be a minute number of cases where the social worker IS obviously an anti-Christian communomarxist fascist out to take the kids away from wonderful parents. That's not exactly a fault of the system though.)
      ID: 467321715
      Wed, Aug 17, 2011, 16:33
Not at all a fault of the system. Where IS the fault with the system? Lies with the American taxpayer. Cut services, cut MY taxes, cut, cut, cut...then; what do you mean you're understaffed and underfunded?

When a case worker, has 90+ cases; its just too damn many cases per social worker.
      ID: 54138190
      Wed, Aug 17, 2011, 20:08
Abuse and charges against the parent.

Certainly unusual and possibly extreme. But abuse? If so, guess my mom is guilt of crime. I can remember w hen I was little and she'd wash my mouth out with soap or put pepper on my tongue for cursing. I was in kindergarten.

Where is the line? As Dwetzel said there isn't one that can be clearly drawn. Here is yet another example of a nanny state and an overstep of boundaries by our government.
      ID: 33337117
      Wed, Aug 17, 2011, 21:10
And, interestingly, I think that case is pretty close to the point where the line can be drawn (and I'm not entirely sure which side it would fall on).

It's possibly reasonable to take that action as a parent (though I think it's pretty stupid in general and won't really accomplish anything except making the kid hate Mexican food day at school), and it's possibly reasonable to decide that squirting too much hot sauce in a 7 year old child's mouth is abuse because it doesn't accomplish anything other than teaching the kid to hate Mexican food.

That's probably too balanced a view though, I should say something about the fascists would be a lot more at home if they'd just switched places with the kid and went to Russia where they belong (help me out here, I'm not very good at these :P ).
      ID: 35615181
      Thu, Aug 18, 2011, 06:14
Unfortunately when you have a guy like Baldwin setting the discussion table for family services, one tends to have the impression that the best placements are accidents. - PD

In any system that automatically accuses parents without proof and within minutes of breaking into their home blackmails them with the line, "Immediately admit to crimes no parent would ever admit to or you will never see your child again."...

...valid removals are complete and arbitrary accidents and outrages are the norm.
      ID: 44721188
      Thu, Aug 18, 2011, 09:31
Fortunately, that's not the system in place in this country... Other than in your imagination.
      ID: 59551120
      Thu, Aug 18, 2011, 09:38
But he gets these emails, see, and in these emails are all sorts of outrageous descriptions of true events happening to good Christians, see...

Boldy - honest question: what would you do to improve upon the hard, thankless job of removing kids from abusive and sometimes deadly home situations?
566Perm Dude
      ID: 5510572522
      Thu, Aug 18, 2011, 10:14
..valid removals are complete and arbitrary accidents and outrages are the norm.

Well, there you go. When you believe that over half of the 400,000 kids in foster care are there as a result of "outrage" then I believe that your outrage machine is set to "sensitive."

Do outrages occur? Absolutely. But sometimes looking at just the outrages makes you lose perspective.
      ID: 35615181
      Thu, Aug 18, 2011, 13:11

At a very minimum I would outlaw the practice of blackmailing parents into false confessions under the threat of never seeing their kids again if they don't.

I'd be interested to see what MBJ does with it when DCFS hands him that bogus confession.

My guess is that because he is prosecuting he is compelled by the judge and system to treat it as legit no matter how he feels about it, and thus forces the parents to impossibly defend themselves against their own coerced statement.

bili, there isn't anything you could do to save your own children in that typical situation. The only thing keeping you and your kids together is that some anonymous vindictive neighbor, co-worker, acquaintance or ex hasn't gotten around to placing one phone call.
      ID: 35615181
      Thu, Aug 18, 2011, 13:13

And since statistics show they are in FAR more danger in a foster setting I'd keep virtually all of them with their parents and sleep very well at night.
      ID: 48627713
      Thu, Aug 18, 2011, 15:00
Hope that doesn't go for the Schatz family.
      ID: 35615181
      Thu, Aug 18, 2011, 19:51
Funny thing is I listen to Air America 2.0 and the government advertises for foster parents every 15 minutes. Can't remember a one on the Rush Limbaugh show.
      ID: 33337117
      Thu, Aug 18, 2011, 20:08
Most of his audience is still coming down off the Oxy probably.
572Seattle Zen
      ID: 055343019
      Thu, Aug 18, 2011, 21:04
This is in the little part of our two circles where Baldwin and I overlap.

Hundreds of New Yorkers who have been caught with small amounts of marijuana, or who have simply admitted to using it, have become ensnared in civil child neglect cases in recent years, though they did not face even the least of criminal charges, according to city records and defense lawyers. A small number of parents in these cases have even lost custody of their children.
      ID: 35615181
      Thu, Aug 18, 2011, 22:11
Question for lawyer Zen. Imagine I was able to demonstratate to MBJ that in every case the DCFS confessions they produce in court were meaningless extorted lies.

What would the system let him do as a prosecutor? Could he chose not to enter it into evidence? Could he ask the parents under what circumstances those confessions were produced? How long before the DCFS managed to get him removed as a prosecutor in their cases?
      ID: 07201821
      Thu, Aug 18, 2011, 22:20
Question for B...Imagine I was able to demonstrate, that every single time Palin, Limbaugh, Beck, Bachmann, et al...made a statement; it was a bald faced lie.

Where would your political leanings go?

If I want to see hypotheticals, at least make those hypotheticals semi applicable to reality B.
      ID: 5310541617
      Fri, Aug 19, 2011, 08:07
Aren't most procesucters assigned by assigned by the elected prosecuter. So DCSF could ask for a reassignment, but would have minimal leverage to find get their hand picked friend assigned.
      ID: 35615181
      Fri, Aug 19, 2011, 23:54
SZ will like this one:
Reporters should ask Mayor Michael Bloomberg whether his past drug use makes him unfit to be a parent or grandparent or to be in an occupation affecting the well-being of kids.
      ID: 8940711
      Sat, Oct 08, 2011, 02:35
2 yr old infant beaten into a coma

looks like TX CPS was a little slow here.
      ID: 63552120
      Mon, Apr 21, 2014, 22:40
While under the supervision and care of DCFS...
      ID: 49572022
      Sun, Aug 09, 2015, 11:11
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