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0 Subject: Is There Really Liberal Media Bias?

Posted by: Baldwin
- [25440222] Thu, Dec 07, 20:21

Really think there isn't a liberal bias in the media?

how come, when the Florida Legislature has 58 Democrats among its 160 members, it's always referred to as ``Republican-dominated,'' which it is, but the Florida Supreme Court, which includes zero Republicans, is never called ``Democrat-dominated''?

How come when the Republican Legislature says it will follow the Constitution as written it's a ``partisan political ploy,'' but when the Florida Supreme Court turns the law upside down to give Al Gore an extra 12 days to steal the election, it's an impartial judiciary just doing its job?

How come it's not ``hate speech'' when Bill Maher says on national TV Thursday night that as the country watched the Ryder van with the Palm Beach ballots moving up the Florida turnpike, ``For a few brief moments, America held the hope that O.J. Simpson had murdered Katherine Harris''?

And how come it isn't ``mean-spirited'' when Craig Kilborn freeze-frames a picture of George W. Bush with a caption that says ``Snipers Wanted''?

Probably for the same reason that it was permissible during impeachment for reputed actor Alec Baldwin to mention it might be a good idea to stone Rep. Henry Hyde and his family to death.

If you're a Beautiful Person from Hollywood and you suggest lynching Republicans, that's fair comment under the First Amendment. If you're a Republican and you live within 300 miles of a lynching, you may as well have personally knotted the rope.

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      ID: 423541517
      Mon, Apr 15, 2013, 23:00
Anyone wanna guess whether Obama ever mentions Gosnell and suggests we do a better job protecting newborns?

They say there's a first time for everything.
      ID: 423541517
      Mon, Apr 15, 2013, 23:22
Really uncomfortable truth. It wasn't so much that he liked killing babies. It was that he was an incompetent affirmative action doctor who was kicked out of other medicine for liposuctioning people to death and moved on to a field where that was considered a positive.

Unfortunately he wasn't skilled enuff to perform abortions so instead he made the women go completely thru labor, deliver the baby themselves [often on a toilet] and murdered the babies later.

For four decades if I'm not mistaken.
      ID: 4609710
      Mon, Apr 15, 2013, 23:31
outlaw abortion, and his "practices", will become far more prevalent.

or we could teach and assist in providing contraception.

just sayin....
      ID: 40328723
      Mon, Apr 15, 2013, 23:40
Anyone wanna guess whether Obama ever mentions Gosnell

i don't know why he would. Gosnell has nothing to do with Obama, or politics.

1296Perm Dude
      ID: 201027169
      Wed, Apr 17, 2013, 14:53

Spot the typo!

[Hint: It is in the headline]
      ID: 43318184
      Thu, Apr 18, 2013, 11:08
When you are doing something of monumental import...You don't notice the cat poop...that's not even an issue.
      ID: 4310402110
      Thu, Apr 25, 2013, 16:47
Atlantic piece on why newspapers trend liberal.
      ID: 233202518
      Thu, Apr 25, 2013, 20:50
Good piece. Speaking only for the Chicago market, Illinois is split down the middle with a bare majority Democrats. The Chicago Tribune is available by daily subscription throughout the entire northern half of the state at a minimum, and has always been accused of being more conservative than it's weaker rival, The Suntimes.

I'd imagine the exodus of Koch brothers hating Journ-O-lists will be something to behold if the sale comes off.

I'd subscribe to a newspaper for the first time since Watergate.
      ID: 13342611
      Fri, Apr 26, 2013, 12:35
Years and years too late, NYT finally follows Breitbart's lead to notice Pigford is almost entirely fraud and is a huge cash black hole.

That's the way they do it. Wait till it bankrupts the country and then post a me-too CYA mention of the issue years later. After trashing Breitbart who beat you to the stories years ahead of you if you even got there.
      ID: 364024
      Thu, May 02, 2013, 05:11
You missed it.
      ID: 2145104
      Fri, May 10, 2013, 07:47
For people who ostensibly hate "hegemony," the Left sure gets awfully butthurt whenever we threaten their stranglehold on media. - Will Antonin
      ID: 174531013
      Sat, May 11, 2013, 07:54
Top Obama official’s brother is president of CBS News, may drop reporter over Benghazi coverage.

Go ahead. Tell me how the MSM isn't so biased that's it's useless.
      ID: 4609710
      Sun, May 12, 2013, 10:12
If I had an employee, constantly spending his/her working hours on a waste of time, I'd let them go too.
      ID: 594551321
      Tue, May 14, 2013, 16:58
      ID: 174421417
      Tue, May 14, 2013, 18:42
      ID: 174421417
      Tue, May 14, 2013, 23:12
Wonders never cease!

ABC reporter tells truth about IRS-gate.

I'm as gobsmacked as you!
      ID: 174421417
      Tue, May 14, 2013, 23:50
Jon Stewart Leibowitz
      ID: 564211423
      Wed, May 15, 2013, 00:21
no one here is "gobsmacked". you're the one who thinks the "msm" is biased, when, in fact, they almost over cover both sides of the story.

you've been critical of "liberals" countless times, saying we never criticize our own - you've now posted multiple examples of what you claim the left never does.
      ID: 424311517
      Wed, May 15, 2013, 19:53
Latest trick of MSM to ignore the stories they want to spike while retaining a shred of deniability...

Well I may not have put it on the show but I made a couple tweets so...

At least we got the important news...Angelina Joli's breasts, Prince Harry's visit.
      ID: 564211423
      Wed, May 15, 2013, 20:48
says the guy who actually did comment on Jolie's breasts.
      ID: 414282020
      Mon, May 20, 2013, 22:06
See no evil

MSNBC audience hits seven year low.

Fox scores second highest viewership of the year.
      ID: 451044109
      Mon, May 20, 2013, 22:13
Re: 1319

Is it possible that many liberals are in the demographic that gets most of their news from the internet?

Maybe I'm stereotyping but so much of the younger generation is computer savvy and heads to the internet to get their news. Much of the older generation may not be as savvy and heads to the TV.

Do you have data on web page hits for MSNBC vs. Fox?
      ID: 414282020
      Mon, May 20, 2013, 22:24
That question sounds like it might be more up MITH's alley.
      ID: 564211423
      Mon, May 20, 2013, 23:25
Do you have data on web page hits for MSNBC vs. Fox?

well, for starters, there no longer is an it's

you can get basic metrics from

but whether website or news channel, the statements Baldwin made (MSNBC audience hits seven year low.

Fox scores second highest viewership of the year.
) are independent of each other, and one does not have a bearing on the other. it's not as if that indicates "well, people must be switching from MSNBC to Fox."

additionally, i'd imagine - as Farn pointed out - people get their news from multiple sources. These days, i'm more apt to follow Twitter or Facebook for breaking news as it pertains to me - cnn, fox, nbcnews, and any other news site is macro news to me.

but FB? Twitter? it's micronews, and often more relevant to my world (such as multiple friends of mine desperately looking for information about missing loved ones in Moore, OK).

anyway - on to the original topic - i'd be curious as to what Baldwin's point was - if he even has one - or if he was just repeating facts while waving pom poms and wearing a cheerleader skirt.
      ID: 29182720
      Mon, May 20, 2013, 23:40
FOX News supporters throw out all kinds of numbers with ambiguous context to make their dominance of the cable TV market seem like it means more than it does.

The bottom line is that there is no single 30 or 60 minute show on FOX News Channel that gets even half the ratings that any of the national network broadcast shows deliver.

In the article Boldwin pridefully linked in 1319, the writer attempts to dupe the reader into being impressed that FNC had averaged 1.5 million "total day viewers" last week, which they boast was their second-best week this year.

Here's one day's FNC ratings broken down by show (I picked a Thursday of last week as an example, which seemed to match up with the average figures cited for the week in B's link).

The best rated hour on FNC that day was (as always) The Factor, with 3.137m viewers.

The network's flagship news program, Special Report which airs up against the broadcast network shows, got 2.306m viewers.

Now, here's how the broadcast network evening news shows averaged the week of May 6th.

CBS: 6,412m viewers
ABC: 7,469m viewers
NBC: 8,169m viewers

For good measure we'll remember to include the 2.449m viewers that the other cable news networks get during that hour and we come to just under 9% of the traditional evening news time slot viewing public choosing FOX News Channel as the source of their information.

Further, in the key 25-54 demo (which I'll note here because Boldy's prideful link boasts FNC's performance in this area and also because it partly answer's Farn's question) FNC appears far less dominant among the cable news outlets. On Thursday they lost 3 key slots (5pm, 6pm, 7pm) in the demo to HLN.

And the worst performing network evening news broadcast in the demo (CBS) still more than triples Special Report's ratings among them.

Assuming Thursday makes for an appropriate example, FNC attracts less than 6% of news viewers in the key demo during America's favorite news watchin' time.
      ID: 174532022
      Mon, May 20, 2013, 23:53
I coulda sworn that was you a while ago trying to convince me Fox News was mainstream, so conservatives weren't shut out of the media after all.
      ID: 412561115
      Mon, May 20, 2013, 23:55
The point was and is that if CNN and MSNBC are mainstream, then FOX must be as well.
      ID: 4429213
      Tue, May 21, 2013, 04:36
Maybe someday the truth will escape into basic cable.
      ID: 4310402110
      Wed, May 22, 2013, 12:06
Tree - he obviously (by the standards of deduction I have leard from well over a decade of reading Boldwin posts at Rotoguru) couldn't stand letting the bitchslap he took after #1319 stand as the final discussion in this thread.

So he changed the subject to the 14 year old Pigford scandal, which he created a thread to discuss a year and a half ago and then posted about in this thread just three weeks ago in post 1301. That was 4/26 - the same date the Breitbart piece in 1330 was published.
1332Seattle Zen
      ID: 3310162612
      Wed, May 22, 2013, 12:30
MITH is right, there is a pigford thread that Baldwin created, no need to pollute this thread with that rehash.
      ID: 14412212
      Wed, May 22, 2013, 13:01
appreciate the clarification.
      ID: 430211013
      Thu, May 23, 2013, 14:35
Not sure if this belongs in the EU thread of hear but makes an interesting case: swedish riots not covered by swedish media.
      ID: 432501512
      Wed, Jun 26, 2013, 08:25
I do think that CNN and MSNBC lean left, and FoxNews leans right, but more and more I think that they lean towards incompetence.

From Twitter last night. The Verge

2 of the tweets.

120,000 people watching the livestream of #SB5 and neither @CNN, @MSNBC nor @FoxNews are covering it. Twitter > Cable News.

History is being made in #Texas, while @CNN talks about blueberry muffins. LITERALLY. @cleveil1 @ElizSimins #sb5

I hadn't heard of Wendy Davis before, but I wish I was as proud of my representatives as I am of Wendy Davis.
      ID: 412561115
      Wed, Jun 26, 2013, 09:18
That's because when you watch cable news after 8pm you aren't watching news. Americans don't want live news at that time. They want drama and outrage, be it in the form of Sean Hannity, Rachel Maddow, Tony Soprano or Gordon Ramsey.
      ID: 430211013
      Wed, Jun 26, 2013, 10:23
I don't want to say this story was not important, because for Texas residents I am sure it is. But 120,000 people watching something on internet does not make it news. And without knowing how often people fillibuster in Texas I am not sure this even rare event.

      ID: 564211423
      Wed, Jun 26, 2013, 10:52
I hadn't heard of Wendy Davis before, but I wish I was as proud of my representatives as I am of Wendy Davis.

Wendy Davis is my representative, and it literally puts tears in my eyes because of how proud i am of her. a friend of mine is also her former campaign manager.

what she did last night, what Texas Democrats, AND WHAT THE PEOPLE OF TEXAS DID, was huge. despite a slew of underhanded tactics from the Republican majority (including voting after midnight and then claiming the vote happened before midnight), the people of Texas, led by Wendy, spoke up, and made themselves heard, took action, and made things happen.

I don't want to say this story was not important, because for Texas residents I am sure it is. But 120,000 people watching something on internet does not make it news. And without knowing how often people fillibuster in Texas I am not sure this even rare event.

it's not just Texas. it's for everywhere. 37 of 42 Abortion clinics would have been shuttered. all that would have remained was one each in Dallas, Austin, and San Antonio, and two in Houston.

A city like Fort Worth - the 16th largest in the nation, would have none. El Paso, the 19th largest city in the nation, would have none.

as for the filibuster - eventually struck down from the Republicans for what they claimed were rule violations - was momentous regardless of how often they happen. 13 hours standing, no leaning, no sitting, NO BATHROOM BREAKS, no pauses in conversation. YOU try that.

this was a big day in Texas, and i couldn't be more proud. ( a bit more here on what happened)
      ID: 564211423
      Wed, Jun 26, 2013, 11:30
10 Reasons You Should Love Wendy Davis

1345Perm Dude
      ID: 201027169
      Wed, Jun 26, 2013, 12:26
There was a *lot* of controversy last night over whether the eventual vote was a legal one, or not. I fell asleep long before it was settled, but came across this: the pic that killed the bill.
      ID: 95342611
      Wed, Jun 26, 2013, 12:39

i cannot believe the gall and the level of dishonesty the Republicans have in changing the time stamp.

i don't even know how that's illegal.
      ID: 4609710
      Wed, Jun 26, 2013, 13:12
Generally speaking, falsifying an official govt document, is a SERIOUS crime. Now, proving specifically WHO did it, could be a whole different issue.

Problem here, is that Perry can simply call another special session, and then it all starts again.
      ID: 95342611
      Wed, Jun 26, 2013, 18:06
and yet another reason to hate Rick Perry.

AUSTIN - Gov. Rick Perry today announced a Special Session of the Texas Legislature will begin at 2 p.m. Monday, July 1.
1349Perm Dude
      ID: 201027169
      Wed, Jun 26, 2013, 19:44
"And this time we're not lettin' the People interrupt us from doin' the People's business."
      ID: 14672015
      Sat, Jul 20, 2013, 16:07
What if liberalism is really Just one Potemkin village after another, all the way down?
      ID: 4609710
      Sat, Jul 20, 2013, 17:03
except B, throughoout American history, you can not show one case, where conservatives have been on the right side of social history. Your entire premise, liberal = evil, is false.

The Revolutionary war itself, VERY progressive
The FF ideals, extraordinarily progressive.
The Civil War and Pres Lincoln, progressive.
Womens Suffrage, progressive.
The end of child labor, progressive.
The New Deal, progressive.
Civil Rights movement, progressive.

You lose dude. History has already passed judgement.
1352Perm Dude
      ID: 41661813
      Sat, Jul 20, 2013, 18:24
Driscoll's note is important, though: The author's involvement in the deal should have been noted in the piece.

What should not have kept Driscoll's dander from getting up is the knowledge that it was an opinion piece. Not news.

Kinda intersting, someone on the Right getting angry about a piece lauding the privatizing of government services. But we'll pin a pin in that hypocrisy for now.
1353Perm Dude
      ID: 41661813
      Thu, Aug 08, 2013, 11:28
15 Things Everyone Would Know if There Were a Liberal Media
1354Pancho Villa
      ID: 40610217
      Tue, Aug 20, 2013, 08:22
Maureen Dowd with a scathing indictment of the Clintons
1355Perm Dude
      ID: 41661813
      Tue, Aug 20, 2013, 09:37
I dunno--Dowd seems to be taking the Clintons to task (again) because people are willing to pay them lots of money for speeches and so forth.

Was hoping for more fire rather than smoke from the title. Dowd seems almost angry to even be writing "Clinton" these days. I'm not so sure my interest in how Dowd feels about the Clintons rises to the level of actually caring.
1356Pancho Villa
      ID: 40610217
      Tue, Aug 20, 2013, 11:12
According to Media Matters, it's not just Dowd, but

NY Times anti-Clinton bias.
      ID: 3871221
      Mon, Oct 21, 2013, 16:47
AP fires reporter and editor, for false report alledging Candidate McAuliffe lied to federal investigators

The Associated Press has fired a reporter and editor in connection to a false story alleging Virginia Democratic gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe lied to a postal inspector in a fraud scheme, according to The Huffington Post.

The author of the report, which was retracted soon after it was published, Bob Lewis has been fired, the news services announced Monday. Dena Potter, a news editor for the Associated Press who covered Virginia and West Virginia, has also been fired.

Earlier in October the news service reported that McAuliffe had lied to a federal official investigating a fraud scheme run by a Rhode Island estate planner. The report cited documents which referred to a person named "T.M." T.M. turned out to be somebody other than McAuliffe.

There are those who will say this proves bias. I think, it proves a desire for accuracy and honesty. I'm sure, these two will have new jobs at FOX, shortly.
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