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0 Subject: Accidental Shooting Archive

Posted by: GO
- [120252515] Wed, May 15, 2013, 09:35

just want one place to keep track of these...

Gun activists designated last Saturday “Gun Appreciation Day” in an attempt to highlight their opposition to gun safety laws. The PR stunt proved to be more of an embarrassment, however, when 5 people were shot at 3 different gun shows on Gun Appreciation Day. On Friday afternoon, an Iowa gun dealer closed out the week by becoming the sixth person shot at a gun show. The man claims he was “showing off a .25 caliber pistol he thought was unloaded when he slid the action of the gun.” The gun was not unloaded, and a bullet went through his left palm. link
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      ID: 8018814
      Sun, Jan 18, 2015, 12:57
Politico: The Myth Behind Defensive Gun Ownership
      ID: 344132921
      Tue, Jan 20, 2015, 11:21
Boy shoots baby brother
      ID: 390471112
      Wed, Jan 21, 2015, 17:57
not an accident...murder, by a CCP holder
      ID: 28420307
      Thu, Jan 22, 2015, 08:31
Mental Illness. But pretty hilarious.
257 gurudan
      ID: 206112913
      Thu, Jan 22, 2015, 12:09
I've lived in NC for 3 years, and people are always getting accidently shot. two weeks ago my neighbor, a deputy sheriff who has lived in this neighborhood for 15 days, had 2 rounds come thru his wall and lodge in the dining room wall while his wife was in that room.two teenagers were apprehended and stated that "they didn't know houses had been built there." no charges were filed and they paid the damages.i'm 65 years old and own 8 guns. I've never in my life needed one to protect myself. but, I know of 20 times when I needed someone else not to have one. those were the occasions when someone I knew was shot and killed by one.
      ID: 344132921
      Thu, Jan 22, 2015, 15:44
gurudan... I think that about sums it up - the likelihood someone actually needs to protect themselves is pretty small and is outweighed by all these needless accidents. Its just not worth it. I don't know how to solve it though, cause I don't think most people have a problem with responsible owners having hunting rifles or a handgun (just no automatic weapons), but there will always be accidents no matter how safe you try to be.
      ID: 8018814
      Thu, Jan 22, 2015, 17:33
Florida two year old shoots and kills himself with his father's handgun.
      ID: 190472217
      Thu, Jan 22, 2015, 18:52
A funny take on Gun Control.
261Perm Dude
      ID: 431013412
      Fri, Jan 23, 2015, 18:49
Open carry. Except when you are black, apparently.
      ID: 344132921
      Sat, Jan 31, 2015, 08:06
Dad gives teen gun as gift....
      ID: 8018814
      Sun, Feb 01, 2015, 08:57
Albuquerque 3 year old grabs parents' handgun, maages to shoot both of them with one shot.
265Perm Dude
      ID: 431013412
      Sun, Feb 01, 2015, 09:18
Now *that's* gun control.
      ID: 390471112
      Sun, Feb 01, 2015, 11:21
3 yr old NM boy shoots father and pregnant mother
      ID: 8018814
      Tue, Feb 03, 2015, 08:37
Reserving this space for the inevitable accidential shooting coming soon to St. Petersburg, FL.
Moms and dads are extremely upset after their 21-year-old neighbor, Joseph Carannate, told them he built a homemade gun range.

“I don't want to hurt myself or any neighbors. I don't want to hurt anybody. I just want to use this as my enjoyment,” Carannate told News Channel 8. “I don't want to have to go to a gun range, when I can just go outside my door.”

Carannate wants to fire his 9mm in his St. Petersburg yard, which happens to be just feet away from children. According to St. Petersburg Police, legally he's allowed to do it.
This is what happens when you have an insanely rabid gun culture that inspires such ridiculous things as state laws that prohibit local governments from restricting gun rights in any way.
269Perm Dude
      ID: 431013412
      Tue, Feb 03, 2015, 11:26
No setback requirements for a gun range? WTF?
      ID: 121011511
      Tue, Feb 03, 2015, 12:04
Local issue right? Scared to go to Florida now? Try living there. Is it any better in Orlando? If not, guess I wont be going to Disneyland soon.

Why cant I just live in a safe suburb with like minded people without being accused of being some ungodly monster by someone who hasn't figured it all out yet?

How did we run out of money to institutionalize the nutjobs?
      ID: 8018814
      Wed, Feb 04, 2015, 08:05
Davie, FL: Another toddler shoots his mother.
      ID: 121011511
      Wed, Feb 04, 2015, 10:16
There seems to be a pattern here lately. The problem is that too many people were having demon children 3 years ago. We need a federal investigation into this phenomena and a congressional sub-committee.
      ID: 81382416
      Wed, Feb 04, 2015, 10:19
      ID: 81382416
      Wed, Feb 04, 2015, 10:21

      ID: 390471112
      Wed, Feb 04, 2015, 10:40
re 270:

How did we run out of money to institutionalize the nutjobs?

That was St Ronnie Raygun. who dismantled Carters mental health initiatives.
      ID: 121011511
      Wed, Feb 04, 2015, 10:45
Perhaps we should all invest in gun manufacturing stock to hedge against the impending apocalypse.

Any wonder some cops are getting nervous, any wonder why some cities are increasing the armament of their police forces so they aren't overwhelmed by angry citizens? How about bombs, got any stats on bombs?

How do we disarm the citizenry without inciting them? I'm as concerned about those 3 year olds, as I am the adults that act like 3 year olds, they aren't afraid to shoot.

And what about those nut jobs? We need to institutionalize the nutjobs, anyone got a good way to profile them?

Its all enough to make you want to stay in your home, and not go house to house for Haloween. Thank god for cable, video games and the internet. Play 60. F*** it I'm moving to the country and getting away from all you nutjobs....can i get internet there? hehehe

So, I was in Vegas this weekend, some people started talking about how polite Austrailians, Brits and Canadiens are. I told them its not that those guys are polite, its that we are such a$$holes. We are all supposed to act like it the music?
      ID: 8018814
      Wed, Feb 04, 2015, 11:49
I have no interest in attempting to disarm the citizenry.
      ID: 390471112
      Wed, Feb 04, 2015, 12:22
We are all supposed to act like it the music?

No, its FOX and MSNBC
      ID: 121011511
      Wed, Feb 04, 2015, 12:25
I dont see a path to peace without it. However, I dont see a way to accomplish it either.
      ID: 8018814
      Wed, Feb 04, 2015, 15:04
Portland, OR
Early Tuesday morning, Portland Police were called by a man who reported that a gunshot had come through the wall from a neighbor’s apartment.

The report was received shortly after 1:00 a.m. from a man who said he was awakened by a gunshot in his neighbors apartment and that the neighbor was now knocking on his door.

When police arrived, they were told that the couple who are new gun owners had practiced safely handling their new gun and that the woman was attempting to put a trigger lock on the gun when it discharged. She said that she was not aware that the chamber should not have a round in it when the lock was put on.
      ID: 391101821
      Wed, Feb 18, 2015, 22:20
Woman killed by her own booby trap.

Michigan woman was trying to adjust her bra holster when she shot herself in the face, authorities said.

Christina Bond, 55, was repositioning the handgun inside her brassiere when she looked down and fired a round into her eye, the Kalamazoo Gazette reported Wednesday.

"She was having trouble adjusting her bra holster, couldn't get it to fit the way she wanted it to," said St. Joseph Public Safety Director Mark Clapp.

"She was looking down at it and accidentally discharged the weapon," he said.
      ID: 8018814
      Mon, Mar 02, 2015, 10:06
Texas 4 year old fatally shoots himself, a few miles from where a 3 year old did the same a few days earlier.
      ID: 390471112
      Mon, Mar 02, 2015, 23:29
4 days, 3 TX kids dead
      ID: 54152322
      Tue, Apr 21, 2015, 22:27
Mass shooting averted by legal concealed carry permit weilding uber driver.
      ID: 390471112
      Tue, Apr 21, 2015, 22:57
3 yr old dead, because Dad was playing with his AR-15
      ID: 390471112
      Fri, Jun 05, 2015, 09:05
Not truly accidental...argument over beer pong rules, results in 19 yr old TX girl being shot and killed
      ID: 390471112
      Thu, Jun 11, 2015, 10:27
14 yr old dead, 16 yr old arrested, after the two played with a gun

when, does it end?
      ID: 390471112
      Thu, Jun 11, 2015, 16:36
Good day for the NRA. They got a 2-fer. A 4 yr old too.
      ID: 390471112
      Fri, Jun 12, 2015, 23:31
3 yr old in OH, kills self with mothers handgun
      ID: 390471112
      Sat, Jun 13, 2015, 22:42
link in 288 seems to be broken.
      ID: 390471112
      Sat, Jun 20, 2015, 21:49
7 stages of gun violence

The writer, is a retired Navy Master Chief.
      ID: 56542210
      Mon, Jun 22, 2015, 11:04
That was a good read Sarge. Pretty spot on description of what we go thru after these events.
      ID: 49572022
      Thu, Jun 25, 2015, 22:24

Disarmed law-abiding people and "gun-free-zones" attract, enable and embolden criminals, murderers, crime sprees and bullies.
      ID: 161036918
      Fri, Jun 26, 2015, 08:41
      ID: 49572022
      Wed, Jul 29, 2015, 22:31
Until they put all their cards on the table there is only one appropriate response.
      ID: 390471112
      Sun, Aug 02, 2015, 02:11
Harvard study finds, more guns = more violence, more homicides and more suicides.

Sorry, had to interrupt the Boldwin mental-masturbation hour.
      ID: 390471112
      Mon, Aug 03, 2015, 10:50
8 yr old, under adult supervision, shoots self in head with an UZI
      ID: 54152322
      Thu, Aug 06, 2015, 20:42
Family of 5 murdered in a knife attack.

Its not about guns. It never was. Its about human beings. Vilifying guns takes the spotlight off the real problem - people.

With that said Sarge has outlined in other threads what he thinks are reasonable measures for gun controls. From what I remember, I happen to agree with all of them.

But that doesn't mean these kinds of events will go away.
      ID: 161036918
      Sat, Aug 08, 2015, 10:06
of course they won't go away.

but they will be reduced.

there is a significantly lower chance of mass killings with knives, as opposed to guns.

and this is an exceptional case - this is two brothers killing their parents and siblings. while not unique, it's definitely in the outlier realm.
      ID: 34255168
      Sat, Aug 08, 2015, 18:34
You don't get dismiss it as an outlier. They are ALL outliers to normal human behavior. Mass killings are abnormal behavior. We would be better served focusing energy, time, effort and other resources on the cause of the problem rather than how the problem is carried out.
      ID: 49572022
      Sun, Aug 09, 2015, 16:04

Dismiss the outliers [or the gun control] and everything's fine.
      ID: 161036918
      Mon, Aug 10, 2015, 20:44
hey, look, another lie by our resident Christian.

i wonder how your messiah feels about your perpetual dishonesty, and your lack of interest in the truth.

the above meme is so easily debunked (beginning with the US being third in murders), that i can't believe any idiot would actually post it and believe it.
      ID: 49572022
      Mon, Aug 10, 2015, 23:31
To Fisk, one has to actually do the work.
      ID: 161036918
      Tue, Aug 11, 2015, 10:08

do some work, and quit posting lies. then again, it's probably quit presumptuous to expect you to be honest, or do research, or god forbid, do both.
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