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Fantasy Points for 14-Feb-2019
Draft$treet Salary Cap NBA Basketball

RotoGuru will not be producing stats for the 2021-22 NBA season.
Prior season data will continue to be accessible for the forseeable future.

Past week:   13-Feb   |   12-Feb   |   11-Feb   |   10-Feb   |   9-Feb   |   8-Feb   |   7-Feb   |

For data in standard html format, click here.
Or try downloading this fuller set of season-long data.

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Note that a separate subscription is required for each NBA season. So, a subscription for a previous season does not carry over to the current season.

Premium data files collectively covered by a 2018-19 NBA season subscription include:
• The master data file ... (file legend and notes on usage)
Daily point recaps (text version)   (e.g., this one)
NBA Player Stats Summarizer

Accessing these 2018-19 NBA premium data files requires a one-time $32 subscription.

To subscribe, please click on the Buy Now button below.
Payment may be made by PayPal or by credit card.

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For the 2018-19 NBA season only

For your review as a sample, the first 20 lines of the current file are provided below.

A help file with a data legend and other notes can be found here:

Data from prior NBA seasons are available through the links below.

A master data file for the complete 2017-18 NBA season is also available via a separate subscription fee of $30.
For more information on that file, click HERE.

A master data file for the complete 2016-17 NBA season is also available via a separate subscription fee of $25.
For more information on that file, click HERE.

A master data file for the complete 2015-16 NBA season is also available via a separate subscription fee of $20.
For more information on that file, click HERE.

Date;GID;Pos;Name;Starter;DS Pts;DS Salary;Team;H/A;Oppt;Team Score;Oppt Score;Minutes;Stat line
20190214;4079;NA;Westbrook, Russell;1;73;N/A;okc;A;nor;122;131;39.03;44pt 14rb 11as 1st 2bl 5to 4trey 18-30fg 4-4ft
20190214;4680;NA;Randle, Julius;1;49.25;N/A;nor;H;okc;131;122;38.90;33pt 11rb 6as 1st 1bl 4to 2trey 11-21fg 9-12ft
20190214;4212;NA;Holiday, Jrue;1;49.25;N/A;nor;H;okc;131;122;38.80;32pt 5rb 7as 2st 3bl 2to 3trey 12-27fg 5-5ft
20190214;4652;NA;Noel, Nerlens;;39.75;N/A;okc;A;nor;122;131;21.73;22pt 13rb 1as 2st 1to 10-16fg 2-2ft
20190214;4283;NA;George, Paul;1;37.75;N/A;okc;A;nor;122;131;40.93;28pt 7rb 6as 1st 1bl 3to 3trey 11-29fg 3-3ft
20190214;4373;NA;Vucevic, Nikola;1;35.25;N/A;orl;H;cha;127;89;25.62;17pt 11rb 4as 1st 1bl 2to 1trey 7-13fg 2-3ft
20190214;5708;NA;Young, Trae;1;34;N/A;atl;H;nyk;91;106;31.10;16pt 6rb 11as 2st 3to 1trey 6-19fg 3-4ft
20190214;4107;NA;Jordan, DeAndre;1;33.25;N/A;nyk;A;atl;106;91;28.87;10pt 13rb 1st 3bl 1to 4-4fg 2-2ft
20190214;5688;NA;Williams, Kenrich;1;31.5;N/A;nor;H;okc;131;122;34.43;9pt 12rb 4as 1st 1bl 1to 1trey 4-7fg
20190214;5212;NA;Smith Jr., Dennis;1;29;N/A;nyk;A;atl;106;91;31.83;19pt 2rb 7as 1st 1to 2trey 7-10fg 3-8ft
20190214;4614;NA;Zeller, Cody;1;26.75;N/A;cha;A;orl;89;127;29.68;13pt 7rb 3as 2st 4-10fg 5-6ft
20190214;5113;NA;Allen, Kadeem;;25.5;N/A;nyk;A;atl;106;91;24.42;14pt 2rb 9as 2to 1trey 5-9fg 3-4ft
20190214;5137;NA;Isaac, Jonathan;1;25;N/A;orl;H;cha;127;89;26.70;16pt 6rb 1st 1bl 1to 2trey 6-9fg 2-2ft
20190214;4468;NA;Fournier, Evan;1;24.75;N/A;orl;H;cha;127;89;27.28;12pt 3rb 6as 2st 1trey 5-12fg 1-2ft
20190214;4572;NA;Dedmon, Dewayne;1;24.5;N/A;atl;H;nyk;91;106;26.30;21pt 2rb 1st 1bl 1to 4trey 6-10fg 5-5ft
20190214;4549;NA;Ross, Terrence;;23.25;N/A;orl;H;cha;127;89;21.82;21pt 1rb 2as 1bl 3trey 8-15fg 2-3ft
20190214;4705;NA;Gordon, Aaron;1;23.25;N/A;orl;H;cha;127;89;31.57;10pt 11rb 4as 1st 2to 1trey 4-17fg 1-1ft
20190214;5700;NA;Robinson, Mitchell;;22.75;N/A;nyk;A;atl;106;91;19.13;6pt 7rb 1st 4bl 1to 3-5fg
20190214;4836;NA;Okafor, Jahlil;;22;N/A;nor;H;okc;131;122;22.80;12pt 8rb 2as 2to 5-6fg 2-3ft
20190214;4364;NA;Moore, E'Twaun;;21.25;N/A;nor;H;okc;131;122;17.08;15pt 1rb 3as 1st 1to 3trey 6-7fg

file transmission terminated after approx. 20 lines.
For the complete file, please provide an authorized username and key value.

RotoGuru is produced by Dave Hall (a.k.a. the Guru), an avid fantasy sports player. He is not employed by any of the fantasy sports games discussed within this site, and all opinions expressed are solely his own. Questions or comments are welcome, and should be emailed to Guru<>.

MLB amd NBA statistical data provided under license with and

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