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Fantasy Points for 12-Feb-2019
Draft$treet Salary Cap NBA Basketball

RotoGuru will not be producing stats for the 2021-22 NBA season.
Prior season data will continue to be accessible for the forseeable future.

Past week:   11-Feb   |   10-Feb   |   9-Feb   |   8-Feb   |   7-Feb   |   6-Feb   |   5-Feb   |

Starters are indicated by a ^ following the player’s name.
Active players not appearing in a game are listed as DNP.
Inactive players are denoted as NA.

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Or try downloading this fuller set of season-long data.

Jump to:     Guards   |   Forwards   |   Centers   |   Unlisted   |
Unlisted DS PointsSalaryTeamOpp. ScoreMin   Stats
NAJames, LeBron^64.75N/Alal@ atl 113-11743:03   28pt 11rb 16as 3st 1bl 2to 3trey 8-20fg 9-11ft
NAVucevic, Nikola^50.25N/Aorl@ nor 118-8826:52   25pt 17rb 3as 2st 1trey 10-18fg 4-5ft
NABradley, Avery^46.5N/Amemv sas 107-10837:54   33pt 6rb 6as 1st 2to 3trey 15-21fg
NAHorford, Al^44N/Abos@ phi 112-10935:11   23pt 8rb 5as 4st 1to 3trey 9-16fg 2-2ft
NAYoung, Trae^41N/Aatlv lal 117-11338:02   22pt 6rb 14as 1st 1bl 6to 3trey 6-19fg 7-9ft
NACurry, Stephen^40.75N/Agswv uta 115-10836:10   24pt 5rb 4as 4st 2bl 2to 5trey 8-19fg 3-3ft
NAAldridge, LaMarcus^40.25N/Asas@ mem 108-10735:07   22pt 11rb 2as 4bl 1to 8-15fg 6-10ft
NAEmbiid, Joel^40N/Aphiv bos 109-11237:26   23pt 14rb 3as 2bl 2to 2trey 9-22fg 3-4ft
NAGay, Rudy^39N/Asas@ mem 108-10734:35   15pt 12rb 8as 1bl 1to 2trey 4-11fg 5-6ft
NATatum, Jayson^37N/Abos@ phi 112-10934:50   20pt 10rb 1as 2st 2bl 1to 1trey 7-15fg 5-5ft
NADurant, Kevin^36N/Agswv uta 115-10837:08   28pt 2rb 7as 1trey 11-19fg 5-7ft
NAValanciunas, Jonas35N/Amemv sas 107-10821:20   23pt 10rb 2as 1to 9-11fg 5-8ft
NAHayward, Gordon34N/Abos@ phi 112-10928:23   26pt 4rb 3as 1st 2to 6trey 8-11fg 4-4ft
NAGobert, Rudy^33.5N/Auta@ gsw 108-11535:28   13pt 16rb 3as 3to 4-5fg 5-6ft
NAGordon, Aaron^31N/Aorl@ nor 118-8833:21   20pt 4rb 4as 2st 2to 2trey 6-10fg 6-6ft
NAHoliday, Jrue^30.75N/Anorv orl 88-11824:16   16pt 3rb 6as 2st 1bl 1trey 7-15fg 1-1ft
NACollins, John^30.5N/Aatlv lal 117-11333:55   22pt 8rb 3as 2to 2trey 8-15fg 4-5ft
NAButler, Jimmy^29.75N/Aphiv bos 109-11236:06   22pt 9rb 1as 1to 1trey 7-12fg 7-10ft
NAIsaac, Jonathan^29.75N/Aorl@ nor 118-8828:55   20pt 7rb 1as 3bl 1to 2trey 7-18fg 4-4ft
NAIguodala, Andre29.25N/Agswv uta 115-10828:08   13pt 5rb 3as 3st 3trey 5-6fg
NAFournier, Evan^29N/Aorl@ nor 118-8834:42   22pt 6rb 4as 2to 3trey 7-16fg 5-5ft
NAGreen, Draymond^28.75N/Agswv uta 115-10833:34   6pt 7rb 6as 2st 2bl 1to 3-7fg
NAThompson, Klay^28.5N/Agswv uta 115-10832:11   22pt 4rb 1as 2bl 1to 3trey 9-14fg 1-2ft
NAFavors, Derrick^28.25N/Auta@ gsw 108-11524:48   13pt 7rb 2as 4bl 1to 6-12fg 1-2ft
NASimmons, Ben^27.25N/Aphiv bos 109-11234:59   16pt 5rb 5as 2st 3to 7-9fg 2-7ft
NAMills, Patty27.25N/Asas@ mem 108-10727:25   22pt 1rb 3as 1st 6trey 7-12fg 2-2ft
NABriscoe, Isaiah27N/Aorl@ nor 118-8828:01   3pt 6rb 8as 2st 1bl 1trey 1-4fg
NAMorris, Marcus^27N/Abos@ phi 112-10933:30   17pt 8rb 2as 1trey 7-13fg 2-2ft
NACousins, DeMarcus^26.5N/Agswv uta 115-10828:19   12pt 10rb 5as 2st 2to 1trey 4-17fg 3-5ft
NABullock, Reggie^25.25N/Alal@ atl 113-11735:26   15pt 5rb 1as 2st 1bl 1to 3trey 6-11fg
NARubio, Ricky^25N/Auta@ gsw 108-11531:34   16pt 4rb 6as 1st 2to 1trey 7-17fg 1-1ft
NARandle, Julius24.5N/Anorv orl 88-11821:44   15pt 4rb 4as 2bl 3to 3trey 6-11fg
NAPrince, Taurean^24N/Aatlv lal 117-11328:35   17pt 6rb 1as 1bl 4trey 6-14fg 1-1ft
NAMitchell, Donovan^23.75N/Auta@ gsw 108-11536:11   25pt 7rb 2as 3to 3trey 10-29fg 2-3ft
NACarter, Vince22.25N/Aatlv lal 117-11324:25   11pt 5rb 3as 1bl 1to 2trey 3-4fg 3-3ft
NARondo, Rajon22.25N/Alal@ atl 113-11733:34   13pt 7rb 4as 1st 1bl 6to 2trey 5-10fg 1-3ft
NANoah, Joakim22N/Amemv sas 107-10818:08   8pt 4rb 4as 2st 4-6fg
NAIngram, Brandon^22N/Alal@ atl 113-11734:13   19pt 6rb 1as 1bl 4to 7-14fg 5-6ft
NAKuzma, Kyle^21.75N/Alal@ atl 113-11735:16   19pt 5rb 1as 1st 1to 3trey 8-20fg
NAMoore, E'Twaun^21.75N/Anorv orl 88-11826:25   19pt 3rb 1as 1bl 2to 3trey 8-13fg
NABertans, Davis^21.75N/Asas@ mem 108-10727:52   17pt 3rb 1bl 4trey 5-7fg 3-3ft
NAFrazier, Tim21.5N/Anorv orl 88-11830:48   10pt 4rb 7as 2to 4-8fg 2-2ft
NAWright, Delon^21.5N/Amemv sas 107-10834:29   4pt 8rb 6as 1st 1bl 2to 2-9fg
NADeRozan, DeMar^20.5N/Asas@ mem 108-10741:03   12pt 6rb 5as 1st 1to 5-19fg 2-3ft
NADedmon, Dewayne^19.75N/Aatlv lal 117-11324:22   12pt 5rb 1as 1st 1bl 2to 4-8fg 4-4ft
NACaldwell-Pope, Kentavious18N/Alal@ atl 113-11725:06   13pt 2rb 1st 2bl 3trey 5-11fg 0-1ft
NAOkafor, Jahlil^17.75N/Anorv orl 88-11829:04   8pt 7rb 1as 2st 2to 4-9fg
NAIwundu, Wes17.75N/Aorl@ nor 118-8817:16   8pt 3rb 1as 2st 2bl 2to 2trey 3-6fg
NAForbes, Bryn^17.5N/Asas@ mem 108-10728:48   9pt 2rb 3as 3st 1to 3-10fg 3-3ft
NARozier, Terry^17.5N/Abos@ phi 112-10931:01   5pt 4rb 5as 1st 1bl 1to 1trey 2-8fg
NAO'Neale, Royce17.5N/Auta@ gsw 108-11528:09   13pt 4rb 3trey 5-6fg
NAHarris, Tobias^17N/Aphiv bos 109-11234:32   10pt 8rb 2as 1to 4-14fg 2-2ft
NABazemore, Kent16.75N/Aatlv lal 117-11316:18   5pt 5rb 3as 1st 2bl 2to 1trey 2-8fg
NARedick, J.J.^16.25N/Aphiv bos 109-11234:37   16pt 3rb 2as 3to 4trey 4-11fg 4-4ft
NABirch, Khem16.25N/Aorl@ nor 118-8817:07   6pt 5rb 2as 1bl 3-5fg
NAIngles, Joe^15.25N/Auta@ gsw 108-11527:45   5pt 5rb 4as 2to 1trey 2-2fg
NAMiles, C.J.14.5N/Amemv sas 107-10823:01   10pt 4rb 2as 1to 2trey 3-8fg 2-2ft
NABembry, DeAndre14.5N/Aatlv lal 117-11323:04   6pt 6rb 1as 2st 3to 3-6fg
NAAugustin, D.J.^14.25N/Aorl@ nor 118-8819:59   2pt 5rb 6as 2to 1-3fg
NACaboclo, Bruno14N/Amemv sas 107-10820:35   4pt 4rb 1as 3bl 2-7fg
NAMcConnell, T.J.13.5N/Aphiv bos 109-11213:01   9pt 3as 1st 1to 1trey 4-6fg
NAKorver, Kyle13.5N/Auta@ gsw 108-11518:41   5pt 4rb 3as 1st 2to 1-3fg 3-3ft
NAHoliday, Justin^13N/Amemv sas 107-10835:24   11pt 4rb 2as 3to 1trey 5-11fg
NABelinelli, Marco12.5N/Asas@ mem 108-10728:12   11pt 2rb 2as 1to 1trey 4-10fg 2-2ft
NAMiller, Darius12.5N/Anorv orl 88-11821:28   9pt 2rb 2as 1bl 3trey 3-11fg
NADavis, Anthony^12N/Anorv orl 88-11824:00   3pt 6rb 3bl 1-9fg 1-2ft
NASmart, Marcus^12N/Abos@ phi 112-10933:29   8pt 4rb 3as 1st 1to 3-14fg 2-4ft
NALen, Alex11.5N/Aatlv lal 117-11312:23   11pt 2rb 1as 3to 3trey 4-5fg
NAMarjanovic, Boban11N/Aphiv bos 109-11210:30   4pt 6rb 1as 2to 1-1fg 2-2ft
NASimmons, Jonathon10.75N/Aphiv bos 109-11214:31   7pt 1rb 1as 1st 1to 1trey 2-2fg 2-2ft
NAJackson, Jaren^10.75N/Amemv sas 107-10823:40   9pt 5rb 1bl 3to 1trey 2-7fg 4-6ft
NANeto, Raul10.5N/Auta@ gsw 108-1159:16   10pt 2as 1to 3-4fg 4-6ft
NATheis, Daniel9.75N/Abos@ phi 112-10912:49   6pt 1rb 2as 1trey 2-2fg 1-2ft
NAHuerter, Kevin^9.25N/Aatlv lal 117-11325:12   5pt 1rb 2as 2st 1to 2-7fg 1-2ft
NASpellman, Omari9.25N/Aatlv lal 117-11313:44   6pt 3rb 1st 1trey 2-6fg 1-2ft
NACrowder, Jae9N/Auta@ gsw 108-11528:08   8pt 2rb 1as 1st 2to 2trey 3-9fg
NAMcGee, JaVale^8.5N/Alal@ atl 113-11713:07   6pt 4rb 1to 2-3fg 2-4ft
NABrown, Jaylen8.25N/Abos@ phi 112-10923:59   7pt 1rb 2as 3-8fg 1-2ft
NAWilliams, Kenrich^7.75N/Anorv orl 88-11831:31   2pt 7rb 1st 2to 1-7fg
NAMcKinnie, Alfonzo7N/Agswv uta 115-1085:20   5pt 2rb 2-2fg 1-2ft
NALivingston, Shaun6.75N/Agswv uta 115-10814:49   2pt 1rb 1as 1bl 1-1fg
NAPoeltl, Jakob6.25N/Asas@ mem 108-10712:53   0pt 5rb 1st 1to 0-2fg
NAStephenson, Lance6.25N/Alal@ atl 113-11714:47   0pt 3rb 2as 1st 0-5fg
NARabb, Ivan^6.25N/Amemv sas 107-10811:28   2pt 3rb 1as 1-3fg
NACarter, Jevon6N/Amemv sas 107-10814:01   3pt 1as 1st 1bl 1trey 1-6fg
NALooney, Kevon6N/Agswv uta 115-10811:57   0pt 2rb 1as 1st
NAGrant, Jerian5.5N/Aorl@ nor 118-884:01   2pt 1as 1st 1-1fg
NARoss, Terrence5.25N/Aorl@ nor 118-8817:52   3pt 1rb 2as 1bl 1to 1trey 1-7fg
NAJefferson, Amile5.25N/Aorl@ nor 118-884:01   2pt 3rb 0-1fg 2-2ft
NACook, Quinn4.25N/Agswv uta 115-1085:02   2pt 1rb 1as 1-2fg
NAMartin, Jarell4.25N/Aorl@ nor 118-883:52   3pt 1rb 1trey 1-1fg
NAKorkmaz, Furkan4N/Aphiv bos 109-11210:46   2pt 2as 1-3fg
NAJackson, Frank3.25N/Anorv orl 88-11812:24   6pt 1rb 1to 2-7fg 2-3ft
NAJohnson, Stanley3N/Anorv orl 88-1184:56   0pt 4rb 1to 0-2fg
NAWagner, Moritz2.75N/Alal@ atl 113-1175:28   0pt 1rb 1st 0-1fg
NAScott, Mike2.75N/Aphiv bos 109-11213:32   0pt 1rb 1as
NAWanamaker, Brad2.75N/Abos@ phi 112-1096:48   0pt 1rb 1as
NAJerebko, Jonas0.75N/Agswv uta 115-1087:22   1pt 1rb 0-2fg 1-2ft
NACunningham, Dante0.25N/Asas@ mem 108-1074:05   0pt 1rb 1to
NADiallo, Cheick-0.75N/Anorv orl 88-11813:24   0pt 1rb 1to 0-2fg

RotoGuru is produced by Dave Hall (a.k.a. the Guru), an avid fantasy sports player. He is not employed by any of the fantasy sports games discussed within this site, and all opinions expressed are solely his own. Questions or comments are welcome, and should be emailed to Guru<>.

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