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Fantasy Points for 23-Dec-2018
DraftDay Salary Cap NBA Basketball

RotoGuru will not be producing stats for the 2021-22 NBA season.
Prior season data will continue to be accessible for the forseeable future.

Past week:   22-Dec   |   21-Dec   |   20-Dec   |   19-Dec   |   18-Dec   |   17-Dec   |   16-Dec   |

Starters are indicated by a ^ following the player’s name.
Active players not appearing in a game are listed as DNP.
Inactive players are denoted as NA.

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Jump to:     Guards   |   Forwards   |   Centers   |   Unlisted   |
Unlisted DD PointsSalaryTeamOpp. ScoreMin   Stats
NADurant, Kevin^67N/Agswv lac 129-12737:40   35pt 12rb 5as 1st 3bl 1to 3trey 10-19fg 12-15ft
NADavis, Anthony^64.25N/Anor@ sac 117-12239:51   26pt 17rb 4as 2st 4bl 1to 1trey 7-20fg 11-12ft
NAAyton, Deandre^60.25N/Apho@ bkn 103-11132:16   26pt 18rb 1as 2st 3bl 2to 13-16fg
NACurry, Stephen^57.75N/Agswv lac 129-12735:39   42pt 6rb 2as 1st 6trey 12-22fg 12-13ft
NAJames, LeBron^54.5N/Alalv mem 99-10735:37   22pt 14rb 7as 1st 1bl 4to 2trey 8-14fg 4-4ft
NAWestbrook, Russell^54N/Aokcv min 112-11435:50   23pt 11rb 10as 1st 4to 1trey 10-19fg 2-4ft
NAGeorge, Paul^53.5N/Aokcv min 112-11438:35   31pt 11rb 3as 2st 3to 3trey 11-24fg 6-6ft
NACauley-Stein, Willie^53N/Asacv nor 122-11735:17   22pt 17rb 2as 3st 1bl 1to 10-19fg 2-4ft
NAHarris, Tobias^49.5N/Alac@ gsw 127-12937:55   32pt 9rb 2as 1to 6trey 12-21fg 2-2ft
NAGallinari, Danilo^48.5N/Alac@ gsw 127-12936:35   25pt 11rb 3as 2to 5trey 8-11fg 4-4ft
NATurner, Myles^48N/Aindv was 105-8932:14   18pt 17rb 2as 1st 2bl 2to 1trey 8-17fg 1-1ft
NADrummond, Andre^47N/Adetv atl 95-9828:57   13pt 15rb 2as 2st 5bl 2to 6-12fg 1-6ft
NAWinslow, Justise^46N/Amia@ orl 115-9130:30   22pt 6rb 5as 4st 2to 3trey 9-12fg 1-2ft
NALillard, Damian^45.75N/Aporv dal 121-11839:25   33pt 2rb 7as 1bl 2to 2trey 11-24fg 9-9ft
NADoncic, Luka^45.25N/Adal@ por 118-12135:26   23pt 11rb 6as 1to 2trey 7-21fg 7-9ft
NAMarkkanen, Lauri^43.75N/Achi@ cle 112-9232:21   31pt 4rb 3as 5trey 11-18fg 4-4ft
NALen, Alex^42.75N/Aatl@ det 98-9534:43   15pt 17rb 1as 1st 3bl 4to 7-18fg 1-2ft
NAHoliday, Jrue^42.25N/Anor@ sac 117-12236:59   27pt 7rb 6as 2to 1trey 12-21fg 2-3ft
NAIrving, Kyrie^42N/Abosv cha 119-10328:53   25pt 4rb 5as 1bl 1to 4trey 9-12fg 3-4ft
NAFox, De'Aaron^42N/Asacv nor 122-11733:52   19pt 1rb 11as 2st 1bl 1to 1trey 5-15fg 8-11ft
NAWiggins, Andrew^41.75N/Amin@ okc 114-11242:26   30pt 6rb 5as 4to 2trey 11-20fg 6-10ft
NAGasol, Marc^41N/Amem@ lal 107-9931:32   17pt 9rb 8as 1bl 1to 2trey 7-16fg 1-3ft
NADunn, Kris^40.25N/Achi@ cle 112-9228:41   17pt 8rb 7as 1st 1bl 1to 8-11fg 1-1ft
NAHield, Buddy^40N/Asacv nor 122-11736:32   28pt 6rb 1as 2to 6trey 11-18fg 0-1ft
NABogdanovic, Bogdan40N/Asacv nor 122-11731:22   24pt 4rb 7as 1st 2to 2trey 7-16fg 8-9ft
NAGreen, Draymond^39N/Agswv lac 129-12732:24   14pt 4rb 6as 5st 1bl 2to 2trey 4-12fg 4-4ft
NAWilliams, Louis38.5N/Alac@ gsw 127-12925:06   25pt 2rb 9as 2to 1trey 6-14fg 12-14ft
NAHernangomez, Guillermo38.25N/Acha@ bos 103-11923:00   19pt 10rb 2as 2bl 2to 8-11fg 3-5ft
NARichardson, Josh^38N/Amia@ orl 115-9137:06   15pt 10rb 4as 2st 2to 2trey 4-14fg 5-5ft
NANurkic, Jusuf^37.75N/Aporv dal 121-11829:00   10pt 12rb 6as 2bl 2to 5-8fg 0-2ft
NAOladipo, Victor^37.25N/Aindv was 105-8936:13   12pt 6rb 9as 3st 3to 2trey 4-13fg 2-2ft
NAWalker, Kemba^37N/Acha@ bos 103-11928:38   21pt 3rb 4as 2st 1bl 2to 3trey 8-15fg 2-2ft
NARussell, D'Angelo^37N/Abknv pho 111-10330:50   18pt 6rb 8as 2st 7to 2trey 6-18fg 4-4ft
NABooker, Devin^36.75N/Apho@ bkn 103-11130:03   25pt 2rb 9as 4to 1trey 10-23fg 4-4ft
NASabonis, Domantas36.5N/Aindv was 105-8925:16   15pt 10rb 3as 2bl 2to 6-7fg 3-4ft
NAJackson, Jaren^36.5N/Amem@ lal 107-9930:37   27pt 9rb 1as 3to 1trey 11-21fg 4-5ft
NAMcCollum, C.J.^36N/Aporv dal 121-11834:02   22pt 5rb 5as 1st 1trey 10-20fg 1-2ft
NADinwiddie, Spencer35.5N/Abknv pho 111-10326:07   24pt 2rb 7as 3to 2trey 7-14fg 8-9ft
NAConley, Mike^35.25N/Amem@ lal 107-9935:08   17pt 1rb 8as 2st 1to 3trey 7-13fg
NAArcidiacono, Ryan^35.25N/Achi@ cle 112-9233:17   12pt 4rb 8as 3st 1trey 5-8fg 1-1ft
NAFrazier, Tim^33.75N/Anor@ sac 117-12222:30   12pt 4rb 7as 2st 1bl 2to 2trey 4-7fg 2-2ft
NATowns, Karl-Anthony^33.75N/Amin@ okc 114-11227:03   18pt 5rb 6as 1bl 5to 2trey 5-9fg 6-6ft
NATemple, Garrett^33.25N/Amem@ lal 107-9939:56   14pt 7rb 1as 1st 2bl 1to 4trey 5-7fg
NAJohnson, Tyler^32.75N/Amia@ orl 115-9128:04   25pt 1rb 2as 2to 6trey 9-15fg 1-1ft
NAKurucs, Rodions^32.5N/Abknv pho 111-10332:59   16pt 10rb 2as 1bl 2to 7-15fg 2-2ft
NANance, Larry^32.25N/Aclev chi 92-11232:48   20pt 6rb 1as 3st 2to 9-14fg 2-4ft
NAFournier, Evan^32N/Aorlv mia 91-11526:43   17pt 6rb 4as 1st 3to 3trey 5-11fg 4-6ft
NADavis, Ed32N/Abknv pho 111-10324:14   15pt 9rb 3st 1bl 1to 7-8fg 1-7ft
NAGordon, Aaron^31.75N/Aorlv mia 91-11532:53   14pt 6rb 4as 1st 1bl 2to 2trey 4-7fg 4-4ft
NAZubac, Ivica^31.75N/Alalv mem 99-10732:53   19pt 4rb 1as 4bl 1to 8-12fg 3-4ft
NACarter, Vince30.5N/Aatl@ det 98-9527:54   18pt 7rb 2as 1to 3trey 7-14fg 1-1ft
NABarnes, Harrison^30.25N/Adal@ por 118-12135:26   27pt 1rb 1to 5trey 11-20fg 0-1ft
NACovington, Robert^29.5N/Amin@ okc 114-11228:48   13pt 5rb 3as 2st 3trey 4-8fg 2-3ft
NABridges, Mikal^29.5N/Apho@ bkn 103-11135:59   9pt 3rb 4as 5st 1bl 2to 3-4fg 3-3ft
NAPachulia, Zaza29N/Adetv atl 95-9819:05   7pt 8rb 3as 2st 2bl 3-4fg 1-2ft
NAHoliday, Justin^29N/Achi@ cle 112-9234:22   15pt 5rb 1as 3st 4to 3trey 5-8fg 2-2ft
NAJordan, DeAndre^28.75N/Adal@ por 118-12134:21   14pt 10rb 1as 1to 6-8fg 2-3ft
NAGreen, JaMychal28.25N/Amem@ lal 107-9922:13   12pt 5rb 2as 2st 1bl 1to 2trey 4-6fg 2-2ft
NARandle, Julius^27.75N/Anor@ sac 117-12230:49   18pt 9rb 2as 4to 8-16fg 2-4ft
NABazemore, Kent^27.75N/Aatl@ det 98-9535:02   13pt 4rb 1as 2st 3bl 1to 1trey 4-13fg 4-4ft
NAYoung, Trae^27.75N/Aatl@ det 98-9530:58   12pt 7rb 6as 2st 6to 4-14fg 4-6ft
NAWhiteside, Hassan^27.5N/Amia@ orl 115-9127:49   14pt 6rb 1as 2st 2bl 3to 7-13fg 0-2ft
NAOsman, Cedi^27.5N/Aclev chi 92-11237:01   17pt 7rb 1as 1to 2trey 6-11fg 3-3ft
NARozier, Terry27.25N/Abosv cha 119-10325:30   9pt 6rb 6as 1st 1bl 1to 3-10fg 3-3ft
NAIngram, Brandon^27N/Alalv mem 99-10737:29   20pt 4rb 3as 2to 1trey 8-15fg 3-6ft
NAAllen, Jarrett^27N/Abknv pho 111-10323:46   11pt 9rb 2as 1st 1trey 5-9fg 0-1ft
NAGrant, Jerami^26.75N/Aokcv min 112-11433:17   14pt 7rb 2bl 1trey 6-10fg 1-1ft
NAMorris, Markieff26.25N/Awas@ ind 89-10525:01   16pt 6rb 1as 1st 1trey 5-12fg 5-5ft
NABogdanovic, Bojan^26.25N/Aindv was 105-8929:25   14pt 3rb 2as 3st 3to 3trey 5-12fg 1-2ft
NAHorford, Al^26.25N/Abosv cha 119-10319:08   10pt 6rb 5as 1bl 1to 4-4fg 2-3ft
NAKuzma, Kyle^26N/Alalv mem 99-10737:11   11pt 6rb 6as 3to 2trey 3-8fg 3-6ft
NAGriffin, Blake^25.5N/Adetv atl 95-9839:12   15pt 7rb 3as 1st 5to 1trey 4-14fg 6-9ft
NADedmon, Dewayne^25.25N/Aatl@ det 98-9521:00   11pt 5rb 3as 1st 1bl 1to 1trey 4-6fg 2-4ft
NALamb, Jeremy^25N/Acha@ bos 103-11927:33   14pt 3rb 5as 1st 1to 1trey 4-12fg 5-8ft
NADieng, Gorgui25N/Amin@ okc 114-11220:57   11pt 3rb 1as 2st 2bl 1trey 5-6fg
NACurry, Seth24N/Aporv dal 121-11821:42   12pt 2rb 3as 1st 4trey 4-8fg
NAJackson, Reggie^23.75N/Adetv atl 95-9830:52   16pt 1rb 5as 2to 2trey 5-12fg 4-5ft
NABrunson, Jalen^23.75N/Adal@ por 118-12132:45   11pt 6rb 3as 1st 2to 1trey 5-8fg 0-2ft
NAAminu, Al-Farouq^23.5N/Aporv dal 121-11835:42   9pt 9rb 2st 1trey 3-8fg 2-4ft
NATatum, Jayson^23.5N/Abosv cha 119-10323:15   17pt 4rb 1as 2to 3trey 6-13fg 2-3ft
NABurks, Alec^23.5N/Aclev chi 92-11228:11   12pt 6rb 3as 2to 2trey 5-10fg 0-1ft
NAJohnson, James^23.25N/Amia@ orl 115-9124:35   9pt 3rb 5as 1st 1trey 4-4fg
NASmart, Marcus^23.25N/Abosv cha 119-10328:34   6pt 2rb 5as 3st 2trey 2-5fg
NAHart, Josh23.25N/Alalv mem 99-10726:41   11pt 3rb 3as 1bl 3trey 3-7fg 2-2ft
NAYoung, Thaddeus^23N/Aindv was 105-8927:44   10pt 9rb 1as 1st 5-12fg
NAMorris, Marcus^22.25N/Abosv cha 119-10320:27   12pt 8rb 1to 2trey 5-10fg
NALooney, Kevon22N/Agswv lac 129-12721:49   10pt 7rb 1st 1bl 1to 5-6fg
NAGalloway, Langston22N/Adetv atl 95-9821:44   18pt 2rb 3trey 6-12fg 3-3ft
NABridges, Miles22N/Acha@ bos 103-11926:43   3pt 7rb 3as 2st 1bl 1trey 1-6fg
NACollison, Darren^21.5N/Aindv was 105-8921:56   12pt 2rb 2as 1st 1bl 1to 2trey 5-11fg
NAHarris, Joe^21.25N/Abknv pho 111-10332:21   13pt 3rb 2as 1to 3trey 4-8fg 2-2ft
NAHarkless, Maurice^21.25N/Aporv dal 121-11826:17   13pt 4rb 1as 1st 1to 1trey 6-9fg
NAJones, Tyus^21N/Amin@ okc 114-11231:30   5pt 5rb 4as 1st 1bl 1to 1trey 2-5fg
NABjelica, Nemanja^20.75N/Asacv nor 122-11729:46   7pt 10rb 1bl 1trey 2-9fg 2-2ft
NARandle, Chasson20.75N/Awas@ ind 89-10518:29   10pt 1rb 4as 1st 1bl 3to 2trey 3-5fg 2-4ft
NAJoseph, Cory20.5N/Aindv was 105-8927:56   8pt 6rb 4as 1st 3to 4-10fg
NAOkogie, Josh20.5N/Amin@ okc 114-11225:00   9pt 2rb 2as 3st 1bl 1to 1trey 3-10fg 2-5ft
NABeal, Bradley^20.25N/Awas@ ind 89-10523:52   7pt 4rb 5as 1st 1trey 2-11fg 2-2ft
NAOkafor, Jahlil20N/Anor@ sac 117-12217:43   6pt 10rb 1bl 3-5fg
NALeonard, Meyers20N/Aporv dal 121-11823:08   13pt 6rb 1to 1trey 6-10fg
NAMiller, Darius^20N/Anor@ sac 117-12235:09   8pt 3rb 2as 3bl 1trey 2-9fg 3-3ft
NASaric, Dario19.75N/Amin@ okc 114-11222:40   10pt 8rb 2to 2trey 4-9fg
NABryant, Thomas^19.5N/Awas@ ind 89-10517:35   11pt 7rb 1to 1trey 3-6fg 4-4ft
NABarea, Jose19.5N/Adal@ por 118-12120:15   9pt 1rb 8as 1to 2-9fg 5-7ft
NAAnderson, Justin19.25N/Aatl@ det 98-9514:01   7pt 5rb 2as 1st 1trey 2-2fg 2-2ft
NABradley, Avery^19.25N/Alac@ gsw 127-12931:03   12pt 3rb 2as 1to 2trey 4-8fg 2-2ft
NAGraham, Devonte'19.25N/Acha@ bos 103-11912:00   7pt 1rb 5as 2st 3-5fg 1-1ft
NAGibson, Taj^19.25N/Amin@ okc 114-11225:20   11pt 5rb 1as 1st 1to 5-8fg 1-2ft
NAShumpert, Iman^18.75N/Asacv nor 122-11721:24   10pt 3rb 2as 1bl 2to 2trey 3-7fg 2-2ft
NAWall, John^18.75N/Awas@ ind 89-10527:41   7pt 5rb 5as 1st 7to 1trey 1-7fg 4-4ft
NAMoore, E'Twaun18.75N/Anor@ sac 117-12230:33   10pt 1rb 3as 2st 5-9fg
NAClarkson, Jordan18.5N/Aclev chi 92-11230:52   17pt 1rb 1as 2to 1trey 8-13fg
NAIsaac, Jonathan^18.5N/Aorlv mia 91-11524:28   8pt 7rb 1as 1bl 1to 2-7fg 4-4ft
NABrown, Bruce18.25N/Adetv atl 95-9816:01   10pt 3rb 1as 1bl 2trey 4-8fg
NAThompson, Klay^18.25N/Agswv lac 129-12736:28   12pt 2as 2bl 2trey 4-15fg 2-2ft
NAMonk, Malik18.25N/Acha@ bos 103-11915:02   13pt 1rb 1as 1st 1to 2trey 4-8fg 3-3ft
NALin, Jeremy18N/Aatl@ det 98-9517:02   10pt 3rb 4as 1to 2-7fg 6-6ft
NAHayward, Gordon18N/Abosv cha 119-10324:10   8pt 7rb 2as 1to 2-7fg 4-4ft
NAHoliday, Aaron18N/Aindv was 105-8914:48   12pt 1rb 1as 1st 1bl 1to 1trey 4-9fg 3-3ft
NAKleber, Maxi18N/Adal@ por 118-12117:34   5pt 7rb 2bl 1trey 2-5fg
NABall, Lonzo^17.75N/Alalv mem 99-10727:17   4pt 3rb 2as 3st 2bl 2to 2-10fg
NATheis, Daniel17.75N/Abosv cha 119-10317:52   10pt 5rb 1as 1to 1trey 4-5fg 1-2ft
NAAdebayo, Bam17.5N/Amia@ orl 115-9120:11   3pt 6rb 5as 1st 2to 1-6fg 1-2ft
NABeverley, Patrick17.5N/Alac@ gsw 127-12923:38   10pt 4rb 2as 3to 2trey 3-7fg 2-2ft
NAOlynyk, Kelly17.25N/Amia@ orl 115-9121:43   11pt 1rb 1as 1st 2trey 3-4fg 3-4ft
NAHarrell, Montrezl17N/Alac@ gsw 127-12925:33   13pt 3rb 2as 2to 6-11fg 1-3ft
NABamba, Mohamed17N/Aorlv mia 91-11514:47   7pt 5rb 1as 2bl 1to 2-4fg 3-6ft
NADudley, Jared16.75N/Abknv pho 111-10321:14   8pt 1rb 4as 2trey 3-5fg
NASelden, Wayne16.75N/Amem@ lal 107-9918:01   12pt 2rb 1bl 2trey 4-9fg 2-4ft
NACaldwell-Pope, Kentavious16.5N/Alalv mem 99-10719:07   10pt 1rb 1as 1st 2trey 4-5fg
NAWade, Dwyane16.25N/Amia@ orl 115-9123:42   10pt 1rb 4as 1trey 4-12fg 1-1ft
NAMatthews, Wes^16.25N/Adal@ por 118-12134:46   8pt 4rb 3as 2to 2trey 2-11fg 2-2ft
NAHolmes, Richaun16.25N/Apho@ bkn 103-11115:44   8pt 6rb 1as 1to 4-5fg
NAAnderson, Kyle^16N/Amem@ lal 107-9923:47   2pt 6rb 1as 2st 1bl 1-5fg
NAHuerter, Kevin^16N/Aatl@ det 98-9534:23   8pt 2rb 2as 1st 1bl 4-10fg
NAAriza, Trevor^15.75N/Awas@ ind 89-10527:38   6pt 4rb 2as 1st 3to 2trey 2-5fg
NALivingston, Shaun15.75N/Agswv lac 129-12716:56   3pt 5rb 4as 1st 1-6fg 1-2ft
NABrown, Jaylen15.75N/Abosv cha 119-10315:45   8pt 1rb 2as 3st 2to 3-9fg 2-2ft
NATurner, Evan15.75N/Aporv dal 121-11824:13   2pt 5rb 4as 2bl 1to 1-9fg
NAOubre, Kelly15.5N/Apho@ bkn 103-11119:47   7pt 2rb 3as 1bl 2to 1trey 2-4fg 2-2ft
NABlakeney, Antonio15.25N/Achi@ cle 112-9213:33   8pt 3rb 2as 1bl 1to 2-6fg 4-4ft
NAHollis-Jefferson, Rondae^15.25N/Abknv pho 111-10316:46   6pt 5rb 1st 2bl 3to 1-3fg 4-8ft
NAAdams, Steven^15.25N/Aokcv min 112-11427:57   12pt 4rb 1to 6-10fg 0-1ft
NAPowell, Dwight15N/Adal@ por 118-12118:41   14pt 2rb 5-11fg 4-4ft
NAGreen, Jeff^14.75N/Awas@ ind 89-10525:53   10pt 3rb 2as 3to 1trey 4-10fg 1-1ft
NACarter Jr., Wendell^14.75N/Achi@ cle 112-9219:08   5pt 7rb 2as 1to 2-7fg 1-2ft
NAJackson, Josh14.5N/Apho@ bkn 103-11123:11   11pt 3rb 1as 4-9fg 3-5ft
NALopez, Robin14.25N/Achi@ cle 112-9219:50   11pt 3rb 1bl 3to 5-9fg 1-1ft
NARoss, Terrence14.25N/Aorlv mia 91-11527:56   7pt 5rb 1as 1to 2trey 2-9fg 1-2ft
NACollins, Zach14.25N/Aporv dal 121-11817:49   5pt 6rb 1bl 1to 1trey 2-5fg
NAVucevic, Nikola^14.25N/Aorlv mia 91-11529:27   8pt 7rb 1bl 3to 3-12fg 2-5ft
NAJones, Derrick14.25N/Amia@ orl 115-9121:58   6pt 5rb 1bl 1trey 2-5fg 1-2ft
NABullock, Reggie^13.75N/Adetv atl 95-9837:11   8pt 1rb 3as 2to 2trey 2-6fg 2-2ft
NADiallo, Hamidou13.75N/Aokcv min 112-1149:26   7pt 3rb 2bl 1to 2-3fg 3-4ft
NABayless, Jerryd13.5N/Amin@ okc 114-11216:16   7pt 2rb 3as 2to 2trey 2-8fg 1-1ft
NASimmons, Jonathon13.5N/Aorlv mia 91-11520:42   11pt 1rb 1as 2to 1trey 5-6fg
NAHill, Solomon13.5N/Anor@ sac 117-12212:52   6pt 5rb 1as 1to 1trey 2-4fg 1-2ft
NAMcKinnie, Alfonzo13.25N/Agswv lac 129-12713:44   6pt 6rb 3-4fg
NASatoransky, Tomas13N/Awas@ ind 89-10519:53   8pt 3rb 2st 4to 3-6fg 2-2ft
NANoel, Nerlens13N/Aokcv min 112-11417:43   0pt 5rb 2as 2bl 0-1fg
NASchroder, Dennis13N/Aokcv min 112-11425:29   10pt 1rb 2as 1st 4to 1trey 4-12fg 1-2ft
NAWarren, T.J.^12.75N/Apho@ bkn 103-11129:06   4pt 4rb 3as 1st 1to 2-11fg
NAPatterson, Patrick12.75N/Aokcv min 112-11417:03   6pt 1rb 2bl 2trey 2-4fg
NASexton, Collin^12.5N/Aclev chi 92-11232:51   6pt 3rb 3as 1st 1to 3-16fg
NAAugustin, D.J.^12.25N/Aorlv mia 91-11522:01   7pt 1rb 2as 1st 3to 1trey 3-5fg
NAAbrines, Alex12.25N/Aokcv min 112-11427:01   7pt 1rb 2bl 1trey 2-6fg 2-2ft
NARabb, Ivan12N/Amem@ lal 107-9910:04   4pt 4rb 1as 1bl 2-4fg
NARondo, Rajon12N/Alalv mem 99-10718:24   2pt 3rb 4as 1st 3to 1-2fg
NAGrant, Jerian12N/Aorlv mia 91-11525:59   8pt 1rb 1as 1st 2to 1trey 2-5fg 3-3ft
NADellavedova, Matthew12N/Aclev chi 92-11218:41   10pt 1rb 1as 1to 1trey 4-9fg 1-1ft
NAGiles, Harry11.75N/Asacv nor 122-11710:44   4pt 4rb 2st 1-6fg 2-2ft
NAJackson, Justin11.75N/Asacv nor 122-11719:32   6pt 1rb 1as 1st 2trey 2-6fg
NABembry, DeAndre11.5N/Aatl@ det 98-9517:52   4pt 3rb 2as 1st 1to 2-5fg
NAHutchison, Chandler11.5N/Achi@ cle 112-9232:27   4pt 5rb 1as 2-3fg
NABatum, Nicolas^11N/Acha@ bos 103-11922:58   5pt 4rb 1as 1to 1trey 2-6fg
NAHarrison, Shaquille11N/Achi@ cle 112-9223:11   6pt 2rb 2as 1to 1trey 2-5fg 1-2ft
NADaniels, Troy11N/Apho@ bkn 103-11114:21   7pt 1rb 1st 1trey 3-4fg
NAWilliams, Robert10.75N/Abosv cha 119-10311:00   6pt 2rb 1st 1bl 3to 2-3fg 2-2ft
NAGortat, Marcin^10N/Alac@ gsw 127-12911:00   2pt 5rb 1as 1st 2to 1-2fg 0-2ft
NAJerebko, Jonas^9.75N/Agswv lac 129-12721:07   7pt 3rb 2to 1trey 3-7fg
NADekker, Sam9.5N/Awas@ ind 89-10522:07   8pt 2rb 4-8fg
NAKidd-Gilchrist, Michael9.5N/Acha@ bos 103-11918:01   7pt 2rb 1bl 2to 3-7fg 1-1ft
NAIguodala, Andre9.25N/Agswv lac 129-12724:13   0pt 3rb 3as 1bl 1to 0-2fg
NANwaba, David9.25N/Aclev chi 92-11220:45   7pt 3rb 1to 2-4fg 3-5ft
NAOjeleye, Semi9N/Abosv cha 119-10312:00   5pt 2rb 1as 1to 1trey 2-4fg
NAScott, Mike8.75N/Alac@ gsw 127-12913:26   3pt 4rb 1trey 1-2fg
NAHarris, Devin8.5N/Adal@ por 118-12118:12   2pt 5rb 1as 1-6fg
NAZeller, Cody^8N/Acha@ bos 103-11919:50   5pt 3rb 2-4fg 1-2ft
NAStauskas, Nik8N/Aporv dal 121-11813:42   2pt 2rb 3as 1to 1-3fg
NAFinney-Smith, Dorian7.5N/Adal@ por 118-12117:34   5pt 2rb 1to 1trey 2-4fg
NACalderon, Jose7.5N/Adetv atl 95-9817:05   2pt 2rb 3as 2to 1-3fg
NAGilgeous-Alexander, Shai^7.5N/Alac@ gsw 127-12927:41   3pt 2as 1bl 2to 1trey 1-3fg
NAJohnson, Stanley7.25N/Adetv atl 95-9820:26   4pt 2rb 1as 1bl 2to 2-9fg
NAZizic, Ante7.25N/Aclev chi 92-11212:46   0pt 2rb 1as 2bl 0-3fg
NAMahinmi, Ian7N/Awas@ ind 89-1055:24   6pt 1rb 1-2fg 4-4ft
NAWilliams, Marvin^6.75N/Acha@ bos 103-11925:55   4pt 1rb 1as 1st 1-9fg 2-2ft
NAJackson, Frank6.5N/Anor@ sac 117-12213:34   4pt 2rb 1as 2to 1-3fg 2-2ft
NACrawford, Jamal6.25N/Apho@ bkn 103-11114:09   6pt 1as 2-7fg 2-2ft
NAParker, Tony6.25N/Acha@ bos 103-11911:21   3pt 1rb 2as 1-4fg 1-2ft
NAAlkins, Rawle6N/Achi@ cle 112-921:35   3pt 2rb 1trey 1-3fg
NAMcDermott, Doug4.75N/Aindv was 105-8921:02   2pt 2rb 1st 2to 1-4fg
NAMelton, De'Anthony^4.5N/Apho@ bkn 103-11125:24   0pt 2rb 1as 1st 0-6fg
NAFerrell, Yogi4.25N/Asacv nor 122-1178:48   2pt 1rb 1as 1-3fg
NAYabusele, Guerschon4N/Abosv cha 119-1036:16   3pt 1as 1-2fg 1-2ft
NAKoufos, Kosta4N/Asacv nor 122-11712:43   0pt 3rb 1as 1to 0-1fg 0-2ft
NACarroll, DeMarre4N/Abknv pho 111-10328:30   0pt 4rb 0-4fg
NAFrye, Channing3.75N/Aclev chi 92-1122:26   3pt 1trey 1-2fg
NAFerguson, Terrance^3.75N/Aokcv min 112-1147:39   2pt 1st 0-1fg 2-2ft
NABlossomgame, Jaron^3.5N/Aclev chi 92-11222:04   0pt 2rb 1st 1to 0-2fg
NABacon, Dwayne3.25N/Acha@ bos 103-1198:59   2pt 1rb 1-1fg
NAWallace, Tyrone3.25N/Alac@ gsw 127-1297:32   2pt 1rb 1-1fg
NAPoythress, Alex3N/Aatl@ det 98-953:11   0pt 1rb 1bl 0-1fg
NAMack, Shelvin3N/Amem@ lal 107-9916:18   0pt 2st 0-4fg
NABrooks, Dillon3N/Amem@ lal 107-9912:24   2pt 2as 2to 1-5fg
NAKennard, Luke^3N/Adetv atl 95-989:26   2pt 1st 1to 1-3fg
NABrown Jr., Troy2.75N/Awas@ ind 89-1056:05   0pt 2as 0-1fg
NAWagner, Moritz2.75N/Alalv mem 99-1074:06   0pt 3rb 1to 0-2fg
NABaker, Ron2.25N/Awas@ ind 89-10516:18   0pt 1rb 1st 1to 0-2fg
NAO'Quinn, Kyle2N/Aindv was 105-892:06   2pt 1-1fg
NAIwundu, Wes1.75N/Aorlv mia 91-1153:46   2pt 0-1fg 2-2ft
NABriscoe, Isaiah1.5N/Aorlv mia 91-1153:46   2pt 1to 1-1fg
NALeaf, TJ1N/Aindv was 105-891:20   0pt 1rb 0-1fg
NABirch, Khem1N/Aorlv mia 91-1153:46   0pt 1rb 0-1fg
NAWanamaker, Brad1N/Abosv cha 119-1037:10   0pt 1as 0-2fg
NAHamilton, Daniel0.75N/Aatl@ det 98-953:54   0pt 1as 1to 0-1fg
NAMartin, Jarell-0.25N/Aorlv mia 91-1153:46   0pt 0-1fg
NAPinson, Theo-0.25N/Abknv pho 111-10300:43   0pt 0-1fg
NAMcRae, Jordan-0.25N/Awas@ ind 89-1054:04   0pt 0-1fg

RotoGuru is produced by Dave Hall (a.k.a. the Guru), an avid fantasy sports player. He is not employed by any of the fantasy sports games discussed within this site, and all opinions expressed are solely his own. Questions or comments are welcome, and should be emailed to Guru<>.

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